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Subject:recording in acid 2.0
Posted by: djaltitude
Date:4/11/2002 10:20:11 AM

I am trying to record in acid pro 2.0 from my guitar. I am able to record just fine. When I add a drum loop and try to record a guitar track.... it records the guitar track and the drum loop into the same track. When working on a friends pc, I am able to record only the guitar track that I am playing while hearing the drum loop. Ultimately giving me 1 drum track and 1 guitar track. How do I make this work on my pc ??? I have tried adjusting the volume and recording properties for my sound card " SoundBlaster audigy platinum " but acid always records everything I hear into the track.
I have verified: recording properties mixer and make sure that Line In is selected

Subject:RE: recording in acid 2.0
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:4/11/2002 11:07:37 AM

Go back to the recording properties mixer and make sure that Line In is selected. You probably have the "mixed output" or "what you hear" selected now.

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