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Subject:Does a VIDEO card have an affect on audio recording
Posted by: kgreach
Date:4/9/2002 9:41:36 PM

Does a VIDEO card have a great affect on audio recording? And if it does, which card would you suggest if you wanted a great VIDEO card. One that would do Photoshop graphics as well.

Subject:RE: Does a VIDEO card have an affect on audio recording
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:4/9/2002 10:13:30 PM


The most important thing is to have stable video drivers, not necessarily the fastest. Crummy video drivers account for the most problems that users have.

I've heard that AGP video cards are the best option, due to the dedicated AGP bus separate from the PCI bus, which audio cards use nowadays.

I've heard different arguments as far as video acceleration in Windows is concerned. I would keep it all the way up unless you're experiencing problems, like crackling audio. As far as color depth, 16-bit color is probably best. You can switch to 24-bit or 32-bit when working with Photoshop.


Subject:RE: Does a VIDEO card have an affect on audio recording
Reply by: Maruuk
Date:4/9/2002 10:26:07 PM

Definitely if it shares an IRQ address with your sound card. For instance, Sony Vaio dedicates IRQ 11 to video, internal audio and some other motherboard-related stuff. So if you happen to shove your soundcard into PCI slot #3 which is dedicated to IRQ 11, you're toast. Major conflicts. Why would Sony hard-assign a PCI slot to an IRQ that is basically in a DO NOT ENTER/BUSY IRQ address? Their own tech couldn't explain it--go figure. You can move IRQ's around, but it's a huge hassle. Easier to move to another slot.

Subject:RE: Does a VIDEO card have an affect on audio recording
Reply by: kgreach
Date:4/11/2002 12:04:05 AM

AGP video cards? Does my PC have AGP buses? Never heard of them!

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