Does capture work will with Canon camcorders?

Mekon wrote on 3/28/2002, 10:01 PM
I read somewhere in these forums that the vidcapture utility that comes with VideoFactory had trouble controlling Canon camcorders, something about Canon not implementing the standard Firewire interface or something. Is this correct?

Specifically, I am looking at a closeout deal on a Canon Optura Pi camcorder. Very nice, lots of very postive reviews, but I want to make sure it will work with VideoFactory flawlessly. Anyone else use the Optura Pi? What have been your experience with VF?



p_l wrote on 3/28/2002, 11:21 PM
I've got a Canon Elura, which is similar, and it works fine. My only disappointment is that I haven't yet been able to figure out how to use it for "pass-through" analog to digital conversion, if it in fact can do this. For now, I have to tape the analog footage first, which is time-consuming. Anybody know if pass-though is possible with the Canon Elura?

Otherwise, though, it works fine with VF/VV.