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Subject:Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Posted by: Spirit
Date:3/19/2002 2:01:40 AM

I know AcidPro's MIDI specs are alsmo non-existant, but how do you think audio compares between AcidPro and Cubase VST ? Im tempted to go Cubase, but since 80% of what I do is audio maybe I'm better sticking with Acid ? I much prefer Acid's GUI and logic of working....

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: ERA
Date:3/19/2002 2:24:01 AM

VST sucks!

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:3/19/2002 3:21:36 PM

To be quite honest with you ever since I've stopped using cubase for VEGAS I'v never been happier. Acid is NOT a multitracking software like cubase though. Apples to Oranges here. In acid you can bring in tons of loops to be arranged in a moments notice. Quicker than any program that I've seen. Vegas is where the fun starts in terms of recording vocals,drums,bass/guitar...etc. It can be done in acid but on a very limited basis. If 80% of what you do is Audio then I recommend Vegas for a multitrack...thats untill the next upgrade that is. If its not up to my standards I'll be purchasing Sonar 2.0...I hope not though.

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Spirit
Date:3/19/2002 7:31:47 PM

Well I've ordered AcidPro 3 anyway. I've played around with it quite a bit - also had an earlier version of Acid that come bundled with something....

VegasAuduio sounded good too and on examination of the manual seemed to have virtually everything Acidpro had (including a renamed version of the chopper), but I was a bit oncerned because SF don;t sell it anymore on their site and no one in Sydney (Australia) seems to stock it. A program on the way out perhaps ?

Anyway, I'm hoping that through judicious use of one-shots I can get away from any RAM & hard drive problems on long tracks. I'm also hoping that AcidPro 4 will be a bit more friendly in this area...

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:3/19/2002 8:23:55 PM

ACID Pro comes (well, did come anyway, i assume it still does) with an LE (limited edition) version of Vegas Audio. This program has many of the features of the full version of Vegas, but is limited to 8 tracks. If you do get it, it may allow you to accomplish just about anything you want.

Vegas 2 has been discontinued and replaced by Vegas 3. Version 2 came in separate Audio-only and Video+Audio editions. Version 3 is a combined product that still contains all the audio features.

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Spirit
Date:3/19/2002 9:46:41 PM

That sounds good ! I'm waiting for my copy to come in - about a week delay :(

But from what you say I suppose I could take a rendered copy of the full looped AcidPro tracks (as Vegas LE track 1) and then add another seven full-length "one-shot" loooong tracks of live playing and vocals ?

I like it ! :)

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:3/19/2002 11:04:46 PM

I don't know if you've seen this before, but you can force ACID to use your RAM for long tracks. You just have to change the track type by double-clicking the track in question's track icon and under the "General" tab, change it to, "Loop," for the track type.

Be forewarned: Long tracks eat RAM for breakfast. A three to four minute track eats ~50-60 MB alone.


Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Spirit
Date:3/20/2002 4:51:25 AM

Thanks for the info. Just to get this straight is it fair to say that:

- Long one-shot tracks will stream off the hard drive. Therefore due to typical IDE drive limitations multiple tracks will eventually start to stutter ?

- making what are really one-shot tracks into "loops" forces the wav into RAM and therefore into smooth playback. The only limitation on this is the amount of RAM you have, there is not some in-built Acidpro limitation ?

How does Vegas do things differently so this problem does not happen ?


Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:3/20/2002 12:41:02 PM

Vegas will play everything from the drive. On my 866MHz P3, ATA100 7200RPM drives, i've had 15 or more stereo tracks playing simultaneously in Vegas with no stuttering.

Subject:RE: Cubase VST audio vs AcidPro
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:3/20/2002 1:26:36 PM

-One-shots longer than 3 seconds will, indeed, stream from the hard drive.

-Yes. Again, be careful as I've said before.

I think it really comes down to the state of the system being used. Some people have no problem playing multiple tracks from their hard drive(s), while others do. It's really important to keep on top of your system in terms of components, optimization and maintenance. Digital audio (and video if you're into that kind of thing) is complex and therefore commands the power to harness it.


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