Chroma-Key? or ???

rusty wrote on 3/16/2002, 3:23 AM

I need to video tape a moving subject and make the background an alpha channel (or remove it or make it one color or somehow make it transparent) so I can use the subject in another environment or as a projection map on a 3D model. And I guess that there are two cases: a) the easy one with a blue or green sheet behind it (but this will not really be solid blue or green, I'll need some 'tolerance') and b) the hard one, the background is anything!

Can Vegas Video do either of these things and if so, how?



Chienworks wrote on 3/16/2002, 10:01 AM
Vegas' ChromaKeyer has quite a bit of adjustment ability. I've been able to successfully use it on backgrounds that vary in brightness by over 30%, as long as the background color is radically different from the subject color.

If you want to be able to do this with a more "random" background, you'll have to generate a mask manually for each frame. Ouch.
rusty wrote on 3/18/2002, 2:59 PM

Thanks for answering. So if the backgournd is a blue sheet outdoors and a subject is walking in front of it I can isolate the subject and place the subject over a different background? And this can be done with Vegas Video 3.0?

Is this called ChromaKeyer in the features (I don't recall seeing it but I'll look again)?

Thanks Much!
Chienworks wrote on 3/18/2002, 3:44 PM
Yup! It's one of the standard plugins available in the effects chain.