. . . reversing the video ...

Earl_J wrote on 6/26/2016, 10:24 PM
Hey everyone. . .

I remember being able to turn a video track "inside out" to make it run in reverse...
I can't do it now...
There is a stretch and compress function that goes only so far and stops...
* * *
I used to grab the end of the track and pull it through the beginning to make it run in reverse...

Lil help. . .

Until that time. . . Earl J.


VMP wrote on 6/26/2016, 10:42 PM
Right click - Reverse, have you tried that?

Earl_J wrote on 6/27/2016, 7:46 AM
* * * UPDATE 27 JUN* * *
Well VMP . . . ahhh. . . errr. . .

it works exactly as labeled. . . LOL
You know, somehow I knew you knew it would, you know... (grin)

thanks again...
* * * END UPDATE * * *

Well VMP ... ahhh. . . errr. . .

no, I have not. . . LOL

* * *
Those rascals... hid it in plain site. . . just to make it easier to use...
and harder to find. . . (for some of us, anyhow)...

Thanks for the tutorial... (wink)

Until that time. . .
monoparadox wrote on 6/27/2016, 11:28 AM
Thanks for the chuckle :-) We've all been there.

GaryRebholz wrote on 6/27/2016, 12:33 PM
<<Thanks for the chuckle :-) We've all been there.>>

Sometimes I feel like I'm there most of the time...Don't forget that on video events you can also add a Velocity envelope and set that to reverse anywhere from -1% to -100%.
VMP wrote on 6/27/2016, 3:07 PM

+ 1 Gary.

That's great for special FX shots, I use it often.

@ Earl, you are welcome.

Chienworks wrote on 6/28/2016, 7:47 AM
Reminiscent of the first time i tried programming in VisualBasic. I had spent years in Microsoft's Professional Basic developing user input subroutines. My crowning achievement was about 30 pages of code that handed a formatted, templateable text input field, complete with flashing cursor and the ability to pre-fill. It was years of tweaking and perfecting. Then this Visual stuff comes along. First program i'm writing i see that i draw a text box on the screen to create a text box. All well and good enough. Now i spend the next several days trying to figure out how to make it, well ... work. Come to find out that simply drawing the rectangle on the screen was all i had to do. All the code behind it to make it a functional text entry box was already there.

They made it so easy to use that it was almost impossible for this old guy to figure it out.
Earl_J wrote on 7/22/2016, 11:18 PM
* * *
What a great story. . . thanks for sharing that...

The more I understand about all this video and audio stuff...
the more I realize I have so much more to learn. . .

(well, from time to time - it's just simply remembering...LOL)

Until that time. . .
PeterDuke wrote on 7/23/2016, 12:59 AM
If you reverse interlaced video and wish to preserve the field order, then presumably new fields have to be generated from the old.