Vegas 13 falls asleep and takes time to wake up

Paul Fierlinger wrote on 6/27/2016, 1:16 PM
Is this a setting I have inadvertently tripped? I keep my Vegas 13 on all day long and almost every time I come back it takes 10 or 15 seconds before I can use the playback. I don't think this has anything to do with Windows because I often have V 12 also opened at the same time (with another film) and this never happens there.
Any thoughts, ideas?


VEGAS_EricD wrote on 6/27/2016, 1:20 PM
Is it taking that time reloading media when the focus is back on Vegas again? If so there is a preference in options > preferences > general tab - uncheck "close media files when not the active application" click apply and OK.
Paul Fierlinger wrote on 6/27/2016, 1:33 PM
Thanks Eric for your speedy reply. The media maintains focus at all times, as far as I recall but I unchecked the item in Preferences and I'll get back later (it usually takes V13 a long time; up to an hour or more before it "falls asleep".)
Paul Fierlinger wrote on 6/27/2016, 3:27 PM
I now realize that I am not describing accurately what's going on. What exactly happens is that pushing Play puts the cursor in motion and I can hear the audio track but the preview window remains black. I have to click just below the window to wake it up and even doing that can at times take several seconds before an image shows up.
john_dennis wrote on 6/27/2016, 4:54 PM
It might be worthwhile to double check to see if your hard drives are spinning down. The out-of-the-box Windows setting for "High Performance" allows the drives to spin down after a while.
Paul Fierlinger wrote on 6/27/2016, 5:36 PM
Thanks Dennis. I've always kept my computers at this setting and then there's V12 which doesn't have this problem.
malowz wrote on 6/28/2016, 2:29 AM
i think i have the same problems, since a while.

mostly happens sometimes when playing video, and i delete something, with auto ripple activated. sound keep playing, but vegas freeze for a while. have to wait to come back.

my analysis pointed to something in the audio department. cause i can't even open the sound mixer while vegas is frozen.

i have other computers with different brand of sound board and they do the same.
Paul Fierlinger wrote on 6/28/2016, 6:13 AM
I think you might have nailed it, malowz. I switched my films; the one in V12 where this wasn't happening to V13 where the delay was happening to a film that uses only voice over tracks recorded on a smart phone's app. Now that a film with a professional recording is in V13, the delay stopped occurring.

But.... the film with the smart phone track seems to be OK in V12, in which case the conclusion might be that Vegas 13 has become overly sensitive to the quality of sound tracks.