Magix buys much of Sony's software portfolio

AmigaMan wrote on 5/30/2016, 6:49 PM
Saw this in my email today... Overall, it could be good news, since we've been waiting for a Movie Studio update forever. Maybe it will finally happen! The question is, how will Magix position this with their own NLE, "Magix Movie Edit Pro"? Will the best features of MS be incorporated in MEP, or will one or the other be shelved?


Markk655 wrote on 5/30/2016, 8:36 PM
We're hopeful... See link here
MSmart wrote on 5/30/2016, 11:35 PM
And here
vkmast wrote on 5/31/2016, 12:20 AM
Not to mention here. It includes the link to this site's own updated press release with a Q & A section about some of the changes.
JRMlaw wrote on 5/31/2016, 10:05 AM
So, the $64,000 question is: Do we upgrade our software now, to get the last version before Magix takes over, or wait to see what Magix does?
Tim L wrote on 5/31/2016, 11:14 AM
MAGIX has announced that they intend to release new versions of Vegas Pro and Movie Studio "this fall".

Somewhere, either on the Vegas Pro forum or the HitFilm forum, I read a post (from a user) that Vegas 14 had been nearly ready to go, was expected to be announced at CES (I think) and released at NAB, but then was withdrawn -- likely due to the sale to MAGIX. So the next release might be just about ready to go, except for changing the splash screen, update links, etc., to whatever they need to be for MAGIX support.