Early Brain Death

Widetrack wrote on 5/12/2016, 1:06 PM
Okay, so here I am, trying to re-familiarize myself with VP12, and I open a new project, add a new WMV file and go to work.

Everything's going fine until I try to put a blur on the clip. Select gaussian and linear blur fx for the track and start pushing sliders around. Nothing. What am I forgetting here?

I add an .mp4 to the track and still nothing. I click the clip fx button. select cookie cutter and Sony Black and white.

Nothing and nothing.


I have to work with an old man's memory, but this is ridiculous.

Does anbody have an idea what I've forgotten here?


Tom Pauncz wrote on 5/12/2016, 1:19 PM
Have you perhaps accidentally pushed the "Bypass FX" button on top of the preview window?
Widetrack wrote on 5/12/2016, 1:35 PM

This is getting out of hand.

Thank you.

FWIW: Upon reflection, I don't think I've ever actually used that button before. But then, if I had I might not recall . . .
Guy S. wrote on 5/12/2016, 1:55 PM
Sounds like you have early-onset O L D.

I have it too. I think. Can't recall for sure...
AlanC wrote on 5/12/2016, 2:10 PM
This song was made for everybody who, like me, is suffering from Early Brain Death[/link]
Widetrack wrote on 5/12/2016, 6:05 PM
Thank you Alan, Guy and Tom. My misery appreciates the company.