Impressive Show Intro-Credits "The 100"

Soniclight wrote on 3/13/2016, 1:58 AM
Even the at times very nit-picky Hollywood industry press has praised this one for its breadth in both visuals and score for this post-apocalyptic sci-fi TV show. I agree. And sure, it's not a "legal" upload, but not much one can do with something so brief with obvious credits to the show, including its title. I'm pretty copyrights compulsive. Fair use can sort of apply here as an example of work


Grazie wrote on 3/13/2016, 4:56 AM
The 100 Credits? Best thing about the project. But I'm open to being persuaded about the actual narrative and such.


Hulk wrote on 3/13/2016, 9:02 AM
Both my wife and I enjoy the show. The opening credits are well produced but I think the creators of these credits were very "inspired" by the intro credits of "Game of Thrones."
Arthur.S wrote on 3/13/2016, 3:13 PM
Have to say I'm kinda tired of these complex intros now that seem to go on forever, and usually entail some woman wailing in the background.
ddm wrote on 3/13/2016, 4:59 PM
>>>these credits were very "inspired" by the intro credits of "Game of Thrones."

I'd say total ripoff, not nearly as good either.
Soniclight wrote on 3/14/2016, 5:08 AM
Well, 'scuse me for offending so many.
It's not meant to be profound, it's sci-adventure.
What I call "pop corn" entertainment.
With some nice female eye-candy.

Prefer it to what once promising "House of Cards" has become. A celebration of mean-spirited deviousness. It's not even cinema noir. It's a drab black hole of the worst of human nature. Just can't watch it anymore.

== PS: And pardon my ignorance. I can't afford cable, so never have seen Game of Thrones. Hence said credits sequence I like is new to me. Not into video games either. My age is showing (just over 60)...
Grazie wrote on 3/14/2016, 6:30 AM
You ain't offended me.

JJKizak wrote on 3/14/2016, 8:27 AM
Way to fast for me. Reminds me of a rock video. Has no class.
Dach wrote on 3/14/2016, 10:37 AM
I like "The 100", its refreshing to watch something beside the many cop serials that are on the networks. It has some originality, relatively well casted and they are doing something right, since they recently were picked up for another season.
ddm wrote on 3/14/2016, 12:04 PM
No offense, here. Especially if you've never seen the GOT opening.
Arthur.S wrote on 3/14/2016, 5:18 PM
Curious as to why you think anyone has taken offence? Disagreement doesn't = offence does it?
Take a chill pill Sonic :-)
Soniclight wrote on 3/16/2016, 3:17 AM
"Well, 'scuse me for offending so many."
The purposeful wizeguy-ish misspelling was a hint at humor.
Grazie wrote on 3/16/2016, 3:55 AM
Oh right. Got it!