
Former user wrote on 10/22/2015, 10:50 PM
The new versions are not GPU dependent. They can use a GPU but they do not have to. I don't use it. One computer is running Win 7 64 bit with Vegas Pro 12 and the other is windows 10 with Vegas Pro 12. Both are Core 2 duo computers with 4gig memory. Slow to render, but rock solid and are happy not using GPUs.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 10/23/2015, 6:42 AM
There is no reason for anyone to every use a 32-bit operating system again. Don't do it.

Vegas Pro 8.0c will work perfectly fine with Windows 7 64-bit. You don't need a 32-bit OS to run 32-bit programs. You will be doing your self such a disservice by limiting your OS to 32-bits that it's not worth it.

You can use Windows 7 64-bit with any software that runs on Windows 32-bit to 64-bit including Vegas Pro 8.0c. Why limit yourself?

craftech wrote on 10/23/2015, 8:12 AM
Hi John,

I searched old posts on the subject and it sure seemed like Vegas 8.0 c wouldn't work with Windows 7 64-bit.

Now that you posted this I went back and dug further and it appears you are right. Vegas 8.0c will probably work with64-bit Windows 7.

Thanks John,

Bliss Video Productions wrote on 10/23/2015, 10:12 AM
I run Vegas Pro 8.0c under Win7 64-bit. Have for a long time. No problems.
craftech wrote on 10/23/2015, 12:24 PM
Thanks guys,

Windows 7 64-bit it is. You guys saved me from a big mistake.


fldave wrote on 10/24/2015, 11:25 AM
Been running 8.0c for years on my quad i5 16GB memory 64bit machine, next to Vegas 12. 8c is rock solid, 12 not so much, kind of quirky.