Sonic Foundry software on MAC platform

Rahl wrote on 2/23/2002, 10:39 AM
I printed this in the Acid forum, I want to get reactions from people here cause it would be great to have all Sonic Foundry products ported to MAC. Would be great if they would have both platforms, MAC's and PC... Read on folks ...

I would love to see a MAC version of Acid 3.0, or all the Sonic Foundry products to that affect. I want to switch to a MAC system, but what's holding me back is the Sonic Foundry software which I adore. I could buy a MAC and run the Sonic Foundry programs through Virtual PC, but I would be scared of stability problems. Many mainstream artists (such as Trent Reznor and BT) have stated in the past that they would love to see this product on the MAC platform. Should I continue dreaming about this, or it might happen in the near future?
Andre Barriault


wvg wrote on 2/23/2002, 11:30 AM
Continue dreaming. Forget who, one of the SoFo techs said NEVER sometime back.

I simply don't get it with Mac people. The Windows platform offers so much more choice. I can't think of a single Mac application that is superior to anything you can find for the Windows platform. Got to be a cult thing. :-)
timoheil wrote on 2/23/2002, 4:47 PM
Maybe Sonic Foundry's software is so good _because_ it is for Windows only and makes so much use of the Windows API? Think about it.
gjstone wrote on 2/23/2002, 6:52 PM
stay away from the crashintosh is zero fun...why spend double (sometimes triple) the money for half of the choices you have with windows???

Kukurin wrote on 2/24/2002, 7:51 AM
I have horrible experience with Mac computers. I used Macs for more than ten years end every year it was worst and worst. More restarts, many application crashes etc. A year ago I switched to PC with Windows 2000 and everything is easier, more stable and almost no restarts. Last two years with Mac, I had aprox. two or three restarts a day. With PC, I have about two or three restarts for half a year and I always found the reason: old driver of video card or scanner not compatible with Win2k. I would stay with PC and woudn't go back to Mac even with 5 GHz G6 processor.
timoheil wrote on 2/24/2002, 1:01 PM
Oh come on, platform wars are always fun ;-)
FuTz wrote on 2/24/2002, 1:34 PM
Maybe with Unix-based OS XI on a PC, some people will finally be happy... What about getting together and bring back Amiga folks??? hahaha! Or a VIC 3000!
wvg wrote on 2/24/2002, 4:04 PM
The grass is always greener on the other side the fence. I never seriously considered a Mac or Apple II or even the original model. I got the computer bug way back before the PC clones. It was a toss up between a PET, Apple and a CompucolorII. Apples always were over priced and way too proprietary which is one of the big reasons to this day those other guys only have a tiny piece of the market.
Chienworks wrote on 2/24/2002, 5:02 PM
Probably a year from now the only reason i'll be running windows at all is for Sonic Foundry software. We're moving everything else we do over to Linux, and we're very pleased with it.
decrink wrote on 2/24/2002, 9:28 PM
I wonder if SF products will ever be ported over to that first Atari 1040 that I liked so much?
FuTz wrote on 2/25/2002, 8:52 AM
Can I run VV3 on my electric toothbrush?
MyST wrote on 2/25/2002, 9:11 AM
Only if it's battery operated...SF doesn't support the plug-in type.

Personally, I hope they don't bother with Mac. That would spread out and thin out both R&D and bug solving. The updates would probably be longer between releases since they would have two platforms to deal with.
Also, if they hired more staff to be as effective with two platforms, the purchase cost to the end-user would probably increase.

PixelStuff wrote on 2/25/2002, 12:21 PM
Have a look at this article on ZDnet.,10738,2849950,00.html

I think the main reason anyone would want to use a Mac, this guy hits the mark in his second point. A Mac is for the technicly un-inclined. And you can only get something so simplified, by having a proprietary system that a single enity has control over.

So, that is why I stick with Windows. Besides I like having access to the most advanced technology first. And on the PC platform, it is easy to upgrade just about any part you can imagine without having to buy a whole new computer.

And by the way, ever since going to Windows2000 I've had nothing but pure fun. Solid and stable, BABY!!!

falz wrote on 2/25/2002, 2:50 PM
A mouse once told me that several of the sofo developers were once windows core programmers, hence the history of excellent stability and speed of their products on windows software.

Unless someone ports directX to mac, I really don't think it'll happen. However, with now a OSX being *nix based, I certainly think that a few more brain cycles could head in this direction, as it would easily then be ported to linux.

OK, going overboard. it'll not happen.
wvg wrote on 2/25/2002, 3:04 PM
The following says it all:

Subject: RE: MACS!?!?!?!?!?!
Posted by: SonicEPM (Ignore This User)
Date: 1/4/2002 9:45:44 AM

Sorry, McVegas will never be released.