adjust audio volume in trimmer?

tfer2 wrote on 6/8/2015, 2:17 PM
I've got a video with one holding the camera who is talking to another further away. The volume is too high for the one nearest so I've been splitting each time they talk and then clicking fx, then clicking vol, then setting it, then closing it. Many times to do this. Isn't there a simpler way? I'm looking at the trimmer but don't see that I can just adjust a volume level without splitting etc? Thanks for advice on this.


tfer2 wrote on 6/8/2015, 3:12 PM
Actually got to fooling with it some more and found a somewhat easier way but suspect there still a quicker way. I still split each of the loud voice and then grabbed the top line of the audio track and pulled it down.
mike_in_ky wrote on 6/8/2015, 3:37 PM
You problem is a perfect example of when to use an audio volume envelope. Once you insert the envelope on the audio track of the voices, whenever you need to change volume add a pair of points on both sides of the section of time that you want to change the volume and pull the line segment created by the points up or down to change the volume. Go to "Help" and search on "envelopes". You'll see how to do it.
Chienworks wrote on 6/8/2015, 4:04 PM
I'd still do the splitting, but then select all the audio clips from one of the speakers and drag them down to the next track. That way you can adjust all of each speaker's volume with the track header control, all at once.
tfer2 wrote on 6/8/2015, 5:22 PM
Great. I was hoping there was a better way. Both the envelope and the split+drag seem like what I was hoping for. Looking forward to trying them out. Thanks.