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Subject:I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Posted by: fgtan
Date:2/16/2002 11:57:02 AM

I have tons of live concerts in vhs, but they were all recorded in EP mode. So the audio quality is really really poor.
I've downloaded the trial version of soundforge, the pluggins, etc. I've notice that it has lots of tools that could give me a better audio quality but I'm having non succes results...I've read the help files, some stuff in the forum, but I have a major problem...I'm from Brazil n I'm having some "translations" problems.
I wonder if someone could gime a step by step manual of how to improove this audio quality, tellin me wich tools n how to use them.
May be if u guys think it will be easier...I could send u a small file containing this poor quality audio, in mp3.

I really really would be very happy if someone could give me a hand in this issue, specially cause I'm planning to buy this software.

Thanxs 4 all u n I really hope u could give me some support!!!

bye - fgtan

Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/16/2002 1:10:37 PM

If the audio has lots of nastiness, you might want to also consider Noise Reduction 2.0, which acts as a DirectX plug-in for Sound Forge.


Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: Buckskin
Date:2/16/2002 1:57:39 PM

You really can't make audio that is poor quality into better quality.
There are plugins that can help remove pops and clicks, but a video tape of a concert that is already low quality. It will always be low quality.

Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: empty
Date:2/16/2002 4:21:46 PM

Somehow the analogy of not being able to ...make whole a block of cheese by pushing the grated cheese back through the grater... seems appropriate here.
I agree, you can only improve so much. However, the comment about using the Noise Reduction plug-in is useful. I'm impressed with how well some voice-over work I'm doing was able to be tweaked and cleaned-up. Just take a little time setting parameters carefully, you might actually improve it quite noticably. Maybe use EQ & an enhancer it, too.

Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: pb
Date:2/17/2002 1:53:52 AM

First off, define "CD Quality". There are thousands of vintage music clips on audio CD. Many were recorded on 8 track reel to reel tape machines and the technology way back then was not quite what it is today. The recordings are muddy, muffled and flat. You chose to record your concerts in one of the worst recording formats known to man (BetaMAX III is far superior) so I guess the old adage garbage in = garbage out applies in this case.

However, my limited knowledge of digital audio editing leads me to suggest you use the noise plug in to eradicate the obnoxious hiss and (Brian F correct me if I am wrong)the smooth/enhnace feature may brighten it a bit. It will never be studio quality (but neither is Frank Sinatra's early stuff). If it is any cosolation to you (and I am sure it won't be) Betacam SP audio (PAL or NTSC) does not compare favourably to miniDV when a real mic such ans a Shure sm57, Sony ECM 77 or Sony C74 is used for acquisition. THe damn oil prices have locked me into BetaSP for multi-camera work, using a BVW50 as recorder but for one camera shoots I am using a DNV5 and its audio is CD quality from the get go.

Back to your question? Well, unless Mr. Franz has any ideas I suspect you are SOL.

Peter (pro video shooter since 1981: U-Matic -> Betacam=BetaSP -> BetaSX -> DVCAM)

Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: jgalt
Date:2/17/2002 6:59:45 AM

I agree with the information in the preceding posts BUT, it is very negative. With the proper plugins in Sound Forge it is possible to reduce/eliminate noise, correct and extend frequency response somewhat, overcome volume level problems to a degree and end up with a "pleasant to listen to" product. AM radio broadcasting isn't CD quality but it can be pleasing listening on a good receiver with decent speakers.

Send me a higher bit rate, less than 1 Meg in length, MP3 sample and I'll take a look at it. I am an amateur and do not promise a miracle. My past is littered with many failures.

If you can produce an Ogg file I would prefer that to an MP3 file but an MP3 is acceptable.

Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: rraud
Date:2/18/2002 2:24:16 PM

Yeah, I agree with all. The noise reduction, EQing other processing such as adding or running it though an Aphex Aual Exiter or BBE Sonic Maximizer may help make the audio a little more listenable but as the saying goes, "your just pollishing a turd".
PS--- has anyone tried the BBE Sonic Maximizer plug-in. I downloaded a demo and thought it sucked, but I love my outboard rack mount when used sparingley.

Subject:RE: I really need some help, PLEASE!!! Converting Real bad audio quality to CD quality
Reply by: fongaboo
Date:2/19/2002 2:56:35 PM

Is Noise Reduction 2.0 the ideal tool for fixing dubious voiceovers? How about for hot, crackily audio??

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