Sony Creative - Super duper Customer Service

ingvarai wrote on 3/3/2015, 5:55 PM
I must share this with you.
I had this issue: Online store upgrade issue
Today I got an inquiry from Sony Creative, informing me that I will get the upgrade special price, which was due 28th of February. Taking this time limited offering into account, I paid too much. So I will get a refund!
As a matter of fact, the very first page I came to when upgrading, showed the reduced price, later in the process the price was the normal one.
I don't know how they discovered this, reading this group, or checking for errors in their online store, because I had almost bitten the bullet.
Regardless, case is closed on my behalf. Having used Vegas 7 years and counting, and purchased all versions, including Sound Forge, I now remain a satisfied user.

If this ain't super customer service, nothing is!
