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Subject:Stopping Sound Forge from creating .sfk files
Posted by: stuartclarkson
Date:2/15/2002 8:32:39 AM

Does anyone know how to stop Sound Forge (v5) from creating a .sfk file when you save something??!! I used to be able to remember where to turn it off in the options, but can't find it anymore!!! Aaaargh!!! Please help!

Subject:RE: Stopping Sound Forge from creating .sfk files
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:2/15/2002 9:25:03 AM

As long as you have the latest update, Forge should not be doing this. It was a problem in version 5.0 build 117. The latest update is here:


Subject:RE: Stopping Sound Forge from creating .sfk files
Reply by: jgalt
Date:2/15/2002 9:27:00 AM


It sounds to me as if you are not using the latest version of SF 5. Late versions do not leave sfk files scattered about. Check the updates section of the SF website for a later version then what you are using. I think SF 5.0f is the latest.

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