Newsletter & Gary Rebholz - where have they gone ?

Dr Zen wrote on 1/5/2015, 9:41 PM
Hi there everyone.
This is an open letter to SCS and everyone on the forum. There isn't anywhere else to post this, so I thought the Vegas Pro Forum would be read by most people.

I would like to know why Sony Creative Software has not posted any new Newsletters since February 2014 ?
There also has not been any new Webinars posted in a very long time. I use to watch every webinar and found them very, very educational. I learnt a lot of valuable information by watching the entire library of webinars.
Having direct monthly contact with Gary at SCS, use to be something I really looked forward to. You can't beat human contact, especially using the medium of video, which is what I thought SCS was all about.
It would be great to see a webinar that explains how to use the new Catalyst Browse and Catalyst Prepare software. Products are useless unless there is some kind of training to support how to use them.
I am guessing that Gary Rebholz is no longer the Training Manager for Sony Creative Software. It feels like a giant black hole has opened up since Gary left the stage. Please SCS, bring back some human contact between your valuable customers and yourselves. I am feeling quite depressed by lack of communication during the entire year of 2014.

I look forward to your reply.

Derek Moran
Movie Studio Zen


TeetimeNC wrote on 1/6/2015, 7:07 AM
According to Gary's LinkedIn page he is still with SCS. Of course, it may not be current. At any rate, I too miss Gary's newsletters and webinars.

Richard Jones wrote on 1/6/2015, 7:54 AM
I couldn't agree more. The Newsletters and the Webinars were both invaluable sources.

vkmast wrote on 1/6/2015, 9:16 AM
OT maybe, but thanks to TeeTime's link I found a site called Buster Fayte's rockabilly romp.
Seems Gary's gone Buster Fayte.
viken wrote on 1/6/2015, 9:22 AM
Sadly, there were some serious financial cutbacks at SCS last year and most of the staff was let go, some to other divisions, many not. Gary is still with Sony but in a different capacity now.

I whole-heartedly agree with those who miss Gary, his training posts and videos, his accessibility, and certainly his always helpful and informative webinars.

I've been a Vegas Pro user since practically day one and would likely have switched to another platform were it not for Gary's helpfulness over the years. I'm skeptical of it but am told that Sony intends to continue development and support of Vegas Pro. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Let's hope they bring Gary back to SCS.
MikeyDH wrote on 1/6/2015, 10:46 AM
I miss Gary's teachings and those newsletters also. There is a lot to learn about Vegas and it certainly helped to have the training series. Hopefully, someone at Sony will come to their senses and bring back what I, for one, see as an asset.
Marco. wrote on 1/6/2015, 11:01 AM
If they'd let him go, they lost an invaluable trainer and colleague.
VMP wrote on 1/6/2015, 3:00 PM
I still have the Sony shirt and Bag that I 've got from Gary at IBC some years ago.

Great guy that Gary!

BrooksAZ wrote on 1/6/2015, 3:24 PM
I have learned a lot watching the Web series. Only been using Vegas for about 4 years. Sony needs to continue the Web Series.
dimipapa wrote on 1/6/2015, 3:45 PM
did they hack away at SCS too? I always assumed they were on of the few profitable divisions and low cost as it was.
Dr Zen wrote on 1/12/2015, 9:14 AM
I posted this same letter on the Sony Software Facebook page.
This was their reply:
"Hi Derek; Newsletters are on break. We're working on a webinar program. Keep checking in, we've got a lot cooking."