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Subject:Time Stretch?
Posted by: Willow
Date:2/12/2002 11:56:07 AM

I’m a newbie. Basically what I want to do is to select a part and then resize it forward or backward. What are the commands for this? I see Time Stretch. Is this the only tool? Also I see that I can only stretch it forward with the beginning of the selection fix. Can’t I stretch it backward with the end of the selection fix? Thanks!

Subject:RE: Time Stretch?
Reply by: aggroman
Date:2/12/2002 1:10:44 PM

the wording of your question is not very clear to me. if my answer doesn't help you, reword it or maybe someone else can help.

you use Time Stretch to change the length of you sample. i assume when you say "resize it forward or backward", you mean lengthen and shorten. you can also choose the unit to use (BPM, time, or percentage).

SoundForge shows you the initial length and final length in the plug-in window. preview the selection after you have made a change and see if that's what you want.

Subject:RE: Time Stretch?
Reply by: Willow
Date:2/12/2002 4:10:47 PM

By resize backward, I still mean lengthen but as I said it will be the beginning of the selection that you move to left with the end of selection stay still. Can you do that with Time Stretch?

Subject:RE: Time Stretch?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/14/2002 7:59:07 PM

It sounds like you're trying to use the "Selection" option under the Time Stretch dialog, am I correct?

Basically, any range of the sample you specify under this option will be affected only. Everything else in the sample will be left alone.


Subject:RE: Time Stretch?
Reply by: Willow
Date:2/15/2002 2:39:40 PM

No that's not what I meant. I mean instead of Time Stretch in the "right" direction, to do a Time Stretch in the "left" direction.

Subject:RE: Time Stretch?
Reply by: Baylo
Date:2/15/2002 3:48:40 PM

I don't know the answer to this, but maybe I can help reword your question.

It seems to me like you are asking how to timestretch the audio, so that the audio starts sooner, but ends at the same time as it did pre-stretch. For example, the inital audio file starts at 1.30 and ends at 2.00. You want it to be stretched to start at 1.20 (ie 10 secs earlier) and end at 2.00 (ie no change). Is that correct?


Subject:RE: Time Stretch?
Reply by: Willow
Date:2/15/2002 6:17:35 PM

Yes Baylo, That's exactly what I want. I have made a picture to make it easier to understand. It’s here.

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