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Subject:Quicker way to split and save tracks on a long dub
Posted by: starbuck
Date:2/8/2002 12:24:41 PM

I not sure if I’m going about this the right way. If I dub an audio tape in to the computer of a live album of songs. And I want to cut it up in to separate tracks. Is there a way to automate it instead of a cut/paste and save to new track file name? Its taking me forever doing it this way? It there a way to add a markers and automate it?

Thanks for your time,

Subject:RE: Quicker way to split and save tracks on a long dub
Reply by: BrentA
Date:2/8/2002 12:32:16 PM

> Is there a way to add a markers and automate it?

Yes. I just replied to virtually the same message last night on this forum. See response to "wav file editing help - need to mark tracks"

Subject:RE: Quicker way to split and save tracks on a long dub
Reply by: Engineer
Date:2/10/2002 6:20:19 PM

Get yourself a copy of CDA (CD Architect). with this you dont have to split and save your tacks. You just drop the whole track into CDA then press the T key where you want a new track to begin.

CDA if you can find it will only work with SF4.5, NOT SF5. I have heard that it is also available with another Sound Forge product.

Bill Woolford.

Subject:RE: Quicker way to split and save tracks on a long dub
Reply by: PeterVred
Date:2/20/2002 9:01:34 AM

If you are wanting to clean up noises between songs in the big file, there is no really quick way to do that in "auto".
However, what i have learned from copying vinyl to PC is to always "cut" songs from the END of the file first.
Also, you must be careful, but DISABLE UNDO on the big file speeds things up greatly.
but if you highlight the last track and hit DELETE instead of CUT, you are in trouble, you have to record that one over.

Subject:RE: Quicker way to split and save tracks on a long dub
Reply by: rraud
Date:2/21/2002 9:00:30 PM

Hey Bill, That's I great answer, "get a copy of CDA (CD Architect)" Too bad it's no longer in production. Would you by any chance know where there is one available? I'm sure there are about a hundred or so people besides me who reads this forum would also like to know.

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