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Subject:Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Posted by: Sandaholic
Date:2/7/2002 11:35:47 AM

Greetings. I have a couple clips (ambient and nightmarish sounds), they are mp3 files in Mono originally. I split them into Stereo, and when high levels are hit (on the play meter) I here 'static'. The static was there in the origianl file. But it is alittle more in the converted to stereo version. I have tried a couple things (noise gate, enhance) with no success. I think I am looking in the wrong area. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/7/2002 1:11:43 PM

I've heard the Noise Reduction 2.0 plug-in works wonders, but it'll cost you a "little more cash". Note the quotes.


Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/7/2002 3:06:20 PM

Keep trying you loser, maybe if you had more experience than working at Mc Donalds than you might know how to remove problems like that.

Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/7/2002 4:15:48 PM

Have you tried correcting the "static" BEFORE splitting to stereo (if you still have the original mono file)?
Maybe reducing it at the source would help.


Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/7/2002 4:37:47 PM

Myst, this guy is so ignorant that he doesn't realize that splitting a mono file into a stereo file, still makes the file play in mono, but now it just takes twice as much hard disk to save the file. He also doesn't realize that splitting the mono file into a stereo file raises the level 6dB and now the clicks are twice as loud, and he's probably digitally distorting them on top of that when the level is increased by 6 dB.

But as his other posts mentions....I'm the one who doesn't know how to engineer anything besides a leaky faucet. Kind of ironic when I know the answer to his questions and I'm the one who doesn't know how to be an engineer.

Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/7/2002 4:49:50 PM

See Red, this is where you lose me with your technical talk.
I had a mono file with vocals and I thought that by splitting it to stereo, making sure to put the vocals on the left and the rest of the music on the right, I could then delete the left side. This would leave me with music on the right side, which I would then proceed to record as a mono file and VOILA... vocal removal for the masses!! :)

Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: pb
Date:2/7/2002 9:35:45 PM

Rednroll knows what he is talking about, audio-wise. Buy the Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction Plug in. Down there in the USA you can apparently get SF5, 1001 sound effects AND the noise reduction CD for around 200 USD, about what we paid for just the plug in. Rednroll steered me to it a while back and it works so well we addded it to all three PCs.

We had the same problem due to a cameraman not understanding that the BetacamSX (digital) equivalent of 0dB BetacamSP (analog) is -20dB, NOT 0 dB. No such thing as headroom that close to 0DB, just major clipping. I just salvaged the one-time-only event (it's always like that, ain't it?) by using the clipped peak restoration and then click and pop removal. No, it is far from perfect but I can blame the less than perfect audio on the fact that he had to use his onboard shotgun to pick up the speeches from the PA speakers.

I do not claim to know much about digital audio but I have been employed in the video production/broadcast area for going on 25 years. All my audio experience is live production and video/audio post.

Peter Burn
Production Manager
Big Oil Company in Canada

Subject:RE: Problems w/ 'static' at high peak levels
Reply by: Sandaholic
Date:2/8/2002 10:37:11 AM

pb, thanks alot for your help. I tried the noise reduction plug in and it did work quite well.

Subject:MyST and Rednroll
Reply by: Sandaholic
Date:2/8/2002 10:56:55 AM

I figured I'd address both of you homo's together (since I am sure you both delve into each others bungholes frequently). I've seen your type 1000x before, and I haven't even met you. You two are a couple of losers that probably have been picked on all of your sorry lives, and have this big chip on your shoulder towards everyone. But, you two are too much of insecure, no confidence havin, no life havin' chumps to defend yourselves if your life depended on it. So, you use the security of forums like this to try and show how big, bad and knowledgeable you are. Because you have such a low self image that if you tried to actually speak like you write, you both would be a studdering duo. Which is EXACTLY why you haven't been laid by nothing else than a field full of sheep. So, go out and get yourselves a hooker, get laid, build up alittle self-confidence outside of cyberspace, and quit bein such friggen idiots...

Subject:RE: MyST and Rednroll
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/8/2002 11:11:31 AM

Sandaholic, you need to...LIGHTEN UP!!
If you can't see that my post was written as a lighthearted stab towards your last thread, well then I can't help you.
Actually, I just did. Check your messages, I e-mailed you a sense of ha-ha. Save it on your hard drive in case you want to use it more than once.
Also, you obviously assume everyone here is male, which kind of shows your mentality.
Don't you think women are intelligent enough to use this software??
I'm done answering your're no fun!!

Subject:RE: MyST and Rednroll
Reply by: Sandaholic
Date:2/8/2002 11:14:34 AM

Oh yeah, one more thing. I am ignorant concerning audio files, dB this and dB that. I dont give a rats ass about that. I do however, operate in the capacity of an IMAX 70mm Cinematographer, which happens to be my profession. So there, I dont know jack about what you know. Big deal. I whipe my ass with the salary you two chumps make, put together.

Subject:RE: MyST and Rednroll
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/8/2002 11:51:26 AM

Well obviously Sandaholic speaking from his ass again. I have an Electrical Engineering Degree. My official title at my job is "Applications Engineer" and I work in the Sales group. I am the technical guy of our sales group. My job is to go in front of our customers and explain to them any technical questions they may have. These clients range anywhere from Executives and Engineers to their customer support. Millions of dollars worth of my companies business lies on my knowledge and me representing our company in front of our customers. Infact this Saturday, my company will be flying me out to L.A. to demonstrate and explain any technical questions on a "Mark Levinson audio system" to the head executives of Lexus and Toyota. The company that I work for owns audio brands, such as JBL, Lexicon, Infinity, Mark Levinson, DBX, AKG, Crown, Digitech, Becker, Abex and Harman/Kardon. I beleive all these brands are highly respected in the audio field and I am quite proud to represent these products. I also own my own recording studio and do that on a part time basis. So Myst, if you're whipeing your ass with my salary, you must have a butt load of money :-)

And Sandoholic, now tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do for a living and while you're at it, "YES, I would like fries with that"


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