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Subject:and now?
Posted by: laaba
Date:2/6/2002 6:57:21 AM

hi people,
I am new to this forum and acid i am having great fun with it but how can i arrange what i´ve looped to make it sound not looped in other words can i arrange on the fly while recording?repetition only is not fun after a while
any trics or tips or advice will be apreciated

Subject:RE: and now?
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:2/6/2002 9:18:29 AM

You cannot arrange loops on the fly while recording. Actually, you really couldn't do anything while Acid is recording. Try layering several loops together to hide your loops. You could also create a melody by using several different loops across multiple tracks. Anybody else have any advice?


Subject:RE: and now?
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:2/6/2002 1:19:05 PM

Actually i was pretty lost with ACID at first. I had this (i assumed) marvelous piece of software sitting in front of me on my screen, but didn't even have a clue what to do with it. But then i chanced upon the 8-packs that can be downloaded at, snagged a few of them, and just started playing. It was very instructive to see some completed projects from other users. In no time at all i was understanding what could be done with ACID, and having lots of fun at it too.

In particular, take a look at the recent 8-pack "Disillusionment", by Scott Spear. It's structure is very simple and made up mostly of just ordinary repeating loops, but the overall effect is anything but repetitious. It is a very moving piece from beginning to end and really breaks the "dance DJ sound" mold completely. This really shows what ACID is capable of with some creativity. If you didn't get this one while it was available let me know and i can send it to you.

ps. Scott, excellent work!

Subject:RE: and now?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/6/2002 10:31:13 PM

Try making your own beats/rhythms using One-shots and the Paint Tool.

If you have ACID Pro 3, don't neglect the Chopper. You can create some wild breakbeats, stutters, etc. with it or just slice up an existing loop if you don't like the way it's arranged.

A little knowledge of song arrangement helps out a lot here. The basic arrangement includes:

Verse 1
Verse 2
Middle eight (usually an eight-bar-long "different direction" on the song)
(Maybe chorus again?)

It might also include a bridge between the verse and the chorus, which joins the two together smoothly.



Subject:RE: and now?
Reply by: laaba
Date:2/7/2002 1:50:25 AM

that would be great chienworks!

Subject:RE: and now?
Reply by: laaba
Date:2/7/2002 5:59:31 AM

thank you Iacobus today i messed around with Acid more and i am already coming up with some great stuff.iguess it takes more than one time to get a grip of it
thank you all Acid is wonderfull!

Subject:RE: and now?
Reply by: KaiWen
Date:2/7/2002 10:46:43 AM

Good Luck Iaaba. I've created some really great music with ACID. I've even had some of the music placed in movies.

There is a good book out that you might want to get. I think it's called "Teach yourself ACID 3.0" I have it and it's helpful. I've used ACID since the first version and I love version 3.


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