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Subject:Removing Vocals
Posted by: Sandaholic
Date:2/4/2002 4:33:21 PM

I understand 4.5 and higher has a feature that automatically reomves vocals. Anyone know how I get to that feature? Thank you.

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/4/2002 4:55:17 PM

You don't understand...
See FAQ number 6.

Get ready for some razzin'

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: Engineer
Date:2/4/2002 5:05:02 PM

No it doesnt. To my knowledge it cant be done using any vers of sf

bill woolford

Subject:How to Remove Vocals
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/4/2002 5:07:44 PM

I always thought removing vocals was virtually imposible, but then I realized alls I needed with a little extra cash and anything can be done. Here's the steps to "Remove Vocals".

1. First you need to contact the publishing company that owns the rights to the song you wish to remove the vocals from and negotiate the price to be able to use the song and the original multi-track tapes. This will probably range anywhere between $1000 to $10,000,000 depending on who the artist is.

2. Next you will need to hire the Mixing Engineer, The Producer, and Mastering Engineer to remix the original song and leave the vocals out for you. You might only need them for 1 day for 1 song, so all together I would make a ball park figure of about $200,000. Again, depending on who the producer and engineers are.

3. Then you will have to pay for the studio time in the studio of choice of the Producer and Mastering engineer. You're probably safe to assume at least $500/hr if not more, and you'll probably need about 20 hours. So there's $10,000.

4. Finally you will have to pay for the CD to have it recorded onto...$2.25

Final Estimate for ANY song to remove the vocals= $10,210,002 and 25 cents PLUS TAX, so figure in your state tax.

So YES, it is CAN remove vocals from a song.


Subject:RE: How to Remove Vocals
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:2/4/2002 5:58:30 PM

Oooooh! Sounds like a bargain! ;)

Subject:RE: How to Remove Vocals
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:2/4/2002 8:03:18 PM

Red-- far and away your best post yet! But enough yanking his chain...

Open up Sound Forge & go to the 'Effects' menu. Click on Vocal Remover, then click 'Apply'. That's all there is to it.

Now, I'm not sure that this is in version 4.5... I think the XFX4 plug-ins only shipped with 5.0, didn't it?

Good luck! ;)

Subject:RE: How to Remove Vocals
Reply by: DukeNuke78
Date:2/5/2002 3:23:04 AM

David Kuznicki owes me .50 for my soda i spit out in laughter.....i plan to sue

Subject:RE: How to Remove Vocals
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/5/2002 9:15:21 AM

Rednroll is right, you can accomplish ANYTHING with enough cash.
Need proof... O.J. Simpson is a free man!!


Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: tonyoci
Date:2/5/2002 2:42:29 PM

AnalogX has an excellent FREE vocal remover that works by attempting to remove monor sources. It works well about 50% of the time. It depends greatly on how the song is recorded originally.

I find it amazing how few of the responses to people's genuine posts actually even attempt to be helpful. Many people are not experts and come here for a little help. They do not expect to be exposed to the nastiness I often see here. This tends to come from particular people (one posted here of course) but also extends to others once encouraged

Be nice, be helpful or ignore the post


Subject:Bite Me
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/5/2002 4:17:03 PM

Hmmmmm, This coming from someone who's made a total of 40 posts in the SF forums. Why don't you click on my username now, and you'll see a list of over 1000 posts. Most of them are pretty damn useful informative information, why don't you go back and read a few of them and learn something and see how much USEFUL information I contribute to these forums. I'm an ENGINEER, not a POLITICIAN, so as I've said in the past "I DON'T HAVE TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT". I would hope with my last post, and if you are in the audio business, then you would have a "Sense of Humor"? Otherwise, you're not gonna make it and obviously don't enjoy what you're doing, so you better get out now and find yourself a nice comfortable job in accounting where you belong.

Actually, my last post is VERY useful information. You ever buy a piece of music to use in advertising? You ever use a sample in a song and wonder who to contact to get it cleared? You ever do a Remix of another artists song and adabt it to your style? I HAVE!!! The steps are similar as to what my post mentioned. So although I was being humorous in my response, you actually get some Real World Experience information don't ya? Maybe next time, a simple "Thank you for the info Red" would be in order from you Tonioci?

Rock on,

Subject:RE: Bite Me
Reply by: tonyoci
Date:2/5/2002 4:42:47 PM

Chill man. Take a break or something.

Subject:RE: Bite Me
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/5/2002 4:46:41 PM

Yeah, You're welcome

Subject:Wheres my money?
Reply by: DukeNuke78
Date:2/5/2002 11:49:23 PM

what about my .50?

Subject:RE: Wheres my money?
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:2/6/2002 6:47:01 AM

I'll send you .37 & give a public apology to keep this out of court. Let me know.



Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: SonicNancy
Date:2/6/2002 11:26:36 AM

Hey MyST,

Shoot me an email, would you?

Subject:RE: How to Remove Vocals
Reply by: Sandaholic
Date:2/6/2002 1:35:11 PM

Uhhh yeah. The last time paid that much to remove any vocals Red, was when i had to remove your ____'s vocals because she kept trying to talk to me while my ____ was in her _____!!! But it was worth it, because she _____ a mean one. And regarding you other post, the closest you come to being an engineer is fixing a leaky faucet!!! GET A LIFE.....

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: pb
Date:2/6/2002 2:50:14 PM

If you go to the videomaker magazine website you may find an ad for a device that claims to remove vocals from songs in order that they may be used for Kareoke(?) applications. I did post the text of the ad a while back but don't know what the main topic was, likely yet another newbie asking your question. I reckon the device must do something, otherwise the manufacturer would not have the dinero to advertise in the mag. Sonic Foundry software is not up to the task because what you are trying to do is remove the blue/brown/yellow tint from a tin of mixed paint, restoring it to white.

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/6/2002 8:49:14 PM

Hey Rednroll... I could have sworn you told me your mom had a car accident and had her jaw wired shut, therefore the biggest thing she could get in her mouth was the size of a straw.
Makes you wonder...

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: Sandaholic
Date:2/6/2002 9:19:34 PM

wow MyST. You must have really put some thought into that one... I tell you what; you and Rednroll probably should be Politicians. Because between the two of you, you've got more crap spewing out your mouths than a cows ass. You two fags probably work at a help desk (a big $12hr) and have not a goddamn thing better to do than to talk shit to people in here who ask for help.

Subject:How to remove vocals (really!)
Reply by: pb
Date:2/6/2002 9:35:27 PM

From November 2001 Videomaker, page 142, top centre:

Singers! Remove Vocals!

LT Sound (770) 482-2485 ext 42

"Better than Karoke for over 25 years!!

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/6/2002 11:20:31 PM

Awright, everybody, please calm down. Sssshhhhhh...mellow... :)

I understand Red's plight completely. I lurk and help out in the ACID forum a lot, and the same questions keep on popping up over and over and over when the subject's been brought up what seems like a million times.

One tidbit of info I always give: Always do a thorough search of the forum for the info you're looking for using the forum's search function. Then consider posting your question if you don't find your answer. You are almost always guaranteed to find your answer via a search.


Subject:RE: How to remove vocals (really!)
Reply by: MyST
Date:2/7/2002 9:14:53 AM

You're right, I didn't have to put much thought into opened the door wide enough!!
Let's start fresh, shall we?
Although expressed with humour, Red's answer to your post is about the only way you can accomplish PRO results. AnalogX is a band-aid approach at best. I've tried it and there is so much vocal bleed through left that it isn't really a good solution.
How good a result are you looking for? That's the question.
If you just want to do kareoke in your basement among freinds and family, try AnalogX. Just make sure the volume on the mic is plenty loud to drown out the bleed through.
Sonic Foundry, and other reputable audio software companies, will continue to say it can't be done because the quality of the end product is not good.


Subject:Hey Sandaholic!
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:2/7/2002 2:23:02 PM


Please do not be so rude and disrespectful to others in this forum. While red's post was overflowing with sarcasm, he did not get into personal attacks or vulgar language. Quite honestly, his method for removing vocals is techincally the only way to get professional results. These forums can be lots of fun when everybody is getting along. And since you've been flamed, you now get to participate in flaming* of the next guy who asks the "removal" question!


*I do not condone the flaming of people who ask the removal question.

Subject:RE: Hey Sandaholic!
Reply by: Sandaholic
Date:2/7/2002 2:33:43 PM

I've dried my eyes guys. Everythings cool. :)

Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:2/7/2002 4:23:07 PM

Wow, Sandaholic you whipped out the "Mom" jokes. I'm obviously dealing with an adolescent, and you even have the gull to criticize on Myst's reply to your original ignorant response. It would definitely be hard for Myst to come back with a good come back seeing no body resorts to mom jokes anymore, except for non intelligent losers like yourself. What's next, you gonna try and insult me with a "your sisters soooo ugly joke...."? Maybe there needs to be an age limit on this forum, so the rest of us don't have to deal with your immaturity. I think 12 years old would be an age limit old enough to keep him out of here, because he's already obviously shown he's has the maturity and intelligence level of a 9 year old.

Get your ass back on the short bus and get back to lickin the windows, because obviously Audio engineering is way above your realm of intelligence.

Subject:RE: Try
Reply by: bobmueller
Date:2/8/2002 6:42:17 AM

VERY good program to do this, they have web specials also.

Subject:RE: best response If you find requests irritating
Reply by: inspector
Date:2/8/2002 9:05:55 AM


Subject:RE: Removing Vocals
Reply by: SonicRJH
Date:2/8/2002 11:55:31 AM

The method of removing vocals from a file depends greatly on how the original mix was originally recorded. Although there is not a specific "Vocal Removal" process in Sound Forge, you can try using the "remove center channel" method that may allow you to reduce the amount of vocals in a mix. This process works the best when all or most of the non-vocal audio is mixed in stereo and the vocals are mixed in the center.

1. Open the stereo audio file in Sound Forge.
2. Select "Invert/Flip" from under the Process menu.
3. Mix the both the left and right channels of the stereo file into a single-channel (mono) audio file using "Channel Converter" under the process menu, or you can also change the file to Mono in the properties under "File" menu.
4. Convert the single-channel audio file back into a stereo file that has the newly mixed single-channel on both the left and right channels using the "Channel Converter".
5. Reverse the phase of the left channel back again, using "Invert/Flip" as was accomplished earlier.

The new stereo audio file should contain the same mix with some or all center-mixed audio cancelled from the mix, depending on the original mix. Again, you may need to experiment a bit to get the results you want.

For more information on this subject, here's a site that covers this topic:

Hope this helps,

Subject:RE: Bite Me
Reply by: sk
Date:10/22/2002 10:46:17 PM

Hey, Red. Correct me if I'm wrong on this one. But shouldn't the subject have been "Byte Me"?

Just a thought.



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