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Subject:Audio file not importing properly (end of track)
Posted by: ewithers
Date:8/7/2014 10:59:55 AM

I have done 3 recordings (sermons) to my phone and then transferred to my computer. All three files transferred completely and play perfectly through Windows Media Player and on the phone. Trouble has come when trying to import to Music Studio 8 and convert to mp3 for website publishing. 2 of them worked fine, but the 3rd will not import properly into Music Studio 8.

When I go through the normal process and add this file, everything works fine on the front end. However, when you reach the 1 hour point (I started at the beginning of service and left it running until everyone else had left afterwards, want to cut off the front end and back end to just my sermon), something goes screwy and it has filled all the space up to the end of the file with a loop of the first second or two of the recording. It just repeats over and over again, and the other audio is not heard at all.

Anybody have any idea what's going on?

Message last edited on8/7/2014 11:00:45 AM byewithers.

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