Red Meta Data

Diakonia Productions wrote on 5/5/2014, 10:16 AM
Hey everyone,
I shoot primarily on Red Epic X and soon Dragon. I hear that Vegas Pro 13 will support the 6K files but that the Meta Data is not fully supported. Is this true?

I am on Vegas 11 and they only support the Meta Data up to Red Color 1 and Red Color 2 with no support for the HDRX feature. If you change the Red Meta Data in red cine x the changes also do not appear like they should.

Is this fixed in 13? Everything over at says that Vegas 13 is way behind on the color science, hdrx, and the Meta Data. Can anyone confirm this? Does Sony plan on fixing this? If not I need to find an alternative and realy don't want to leave Vegas. Thanks.


Diakonia Productions wrote on 5/5/2014, 10:43 AM
Anyone have an answer?
Diakonia Productions wrote on 5/5/2014, 1:17 PM
Well good bye Vegas. The last few years have been great, but your tech experts couldn't give me an answer, support couldn't, and neither could anyone on here.

It's a shame but Adobe here I come.
VMP wrote on 5/5/2014, 2:10 PM
Diakonia Productions,

I think you should give it some time for others to react.
I haven't worked with Red in combination with Vegas yet, so can't give any feedback about it.
But surely some members here must have.

K-Decisive wrote on 5/6/2014, 10:33 AM
You could consider roundtripping through Resolve. I think there are some examples out there of using Resolve with HDRX footage. it looks like there are some examples on reduser
Diakonia Productions wrote on 5/9/2014, 8:14 PM
Just checking back in and the only solution offered is to buy a $1,000.00 program to "round trip" in order to access the RMD?

Come on Vegas. You used to be so much better than this. In fact you were ahead of every editing software when it came to the Red One. Now you can't keep up at all. So sad.

Time to go with the creative cloud!