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Subject:i'm new... need help
Posted by: rival
Date:1/27/2002 2:38:24 PM

hey everyone. i just got acid pro.. i have a few questions. i want to add certain effects to certain parts of my track.. how would i do this? does it involve cutting in pasting????? another thing, for those users who got their acid pro of the internet, how do you turn a demo into the full version? i know it has something to do with CRACK... but i downloaded Crack 3 for my Acidpro 3 and it said it was the wrong version or something..... i dont see how that could be.... but anyways.... thanks for your advice

Subject:RE: i'm new... need help
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:1/27/2002 6:33:51 PM

Yes, you really do need help!

Well, i downloaded the demo version, then turned it into the full version by giving Sonic Foundry my credit card number and
purchasing a license. They gave me a serial number, which i registered, and then gave me an activation code which unlocked
the full version of the software. I really don't recommend any other method. You could get into a lot of legal trouble with what
you're trying to do.

Subject:RE: i'm new... need help
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:1/27/2002 10:04:42 PM


If I were you I would delete your post and get the hell out of here because they are going to call the cops on you for sure!!!
It really pisses me off that people like you go out and steal software like this and make companies and other people suffer because your too cheap to get a job and go out and buy the software honestly like your supposed to do.

I can't believe you would post about a crack at the official Sonic Foundry Website! LOL!!!!!!


Subject: i'm new... need help AGAin
Reply by: rival
Date:1/28/2002 1:54:04 PM

ok see i didn't know that thing about the serial number and what you had to do. a friend just told me what to do so i listened.... anyways, i just would really like to know how to put special effects on ONLY certain parts of my track.... any advice would be appreciated, thanks... p.s. rockitglider, lighten up! i have two jobs!

Subject:RE: i'm new... need help AGAin
Reply by: MyST
Date:1/28/2002 3:34:44 PM

I don't think your excuse about not knowing what to do is going to fly. You talked too much when you mentioned the crack. Also, there is a pop-up screen when you open Acid demo asking for a serial number if you want to use the full version.
You want to use a cracked're on your own.
Finally, FYI, Rockitglider has helped countless Acid users with his expertise, including myself on many occasions. If you are a registered Acid owner and have an intelligent question, you'll get an intelligent answer. However, ask a stupid question...

Subject:RE: i'm new... need help
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:1/28/2002 11:39:34 PM


If you have two jobs then buy the product and repost when you have a legal copy, and we'll be glad to help you.

Rockit Thanks MyST

Subject:RE: i'm new... need help
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/30/2002 1:11:45 PM



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