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Subject:audiophile buzz!
Posted by: btm1
Date:1/25/2002 12:26:52 PM

Windows ME
PIII 866eb coppermine
Abit VH6-II PC133 motherboard
512 MB PC133 RAM
Quantum Fireball 20.G 7200rpm hard drive
Quantum Fireball 10.2G 5400rpm hard drive
Voodoo 5500 AGP video card
HP 8210 CDR/W

Using Acid Pro 3.0 to record.
I have a Boss ME-33 Effects Processor w/ R/L stereo out (w/ new Monster cables) going into the RCA
in on the Audiophile 2496. Sounds fine playing through, but playback of recorded audio is very "buzzy".
I put the Audiophile on "Monitor Mixer"; so I can play and record at the same time, and it records at 24/96.
But playback of the recorded loop revealed a real annoying buzz. I tried different level settings on the
Audiophile and the Master volume on the ME-33. Only when the volume coming out of the ME-33 is very low
does the buzz go away; but then I have a virtually unusable signal. I had to turn down the master volume
on the ME-33 and the buzz was gone. The recorded loop is pretty low (I have the "H/W In 1/2" -- the line
that shows the guitar monitor -- slider up to about 3/4 to max). But I can't turn the volume up any higher
on the ME-33 w/out getting buzz. I also tried diferent settings on the Audiophile (put card on "-10dB"
instead of "consumer" and that didn't work. Any suggestions would be great, this is getting very frustrating
-- I previously was using my SB Platinum Live! and even though it was 16-bit, at least there was no buzz.
Any ideas?

Subject:RE: audiophile buzz!
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:1/25/2002 11:58:39 PM


Sounds like Ground Looping, You need to power everything from the same outlet,"120VAC". You can also try using a "lifted shield" on the cable going from external device to computer, Also I think you can buy a isolator box for the connection, to filter out buzzing.

See ya, Rockit

Subject:RE: audiophile buzz!
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:1/26/2002 11:21:18 PM

Hello again,

If you run the pedal effects proc. clean with no distortion or overdrive do you still get the buzz?, And have you tried different cables going from the guitar to the pedal? And definitely power the pedal and the computer from the same household outlet. I use a J-Station, to a mixer, to the computer with analogue connections, but I also use the SP/DIF out to the sound card directly, and it has better quality then the mixer connection, So If the BOSS M-33 has a digital output you can try that and it might give you better sound quality.

Let us know what you find out.


Subject:RE: I have the same problem.
Reply by: axaudio
Date:1/27/2002 3:51:11 AM

I also use Audiophile and I get that annoying buzz!!
I don't think it's ground looping because it only happens in Acid not in Cubase, Cakewalk, Sound forge.

I guess it's buffer problem.
When I change the recording buffer setting, sometimes there's no buzz. But the problem is, it comes back after the Take.

Is there any other way to increase the buffer other than changing the Audio preference?

or any solution please?

Subject:RE: I have the same problem.
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:1/27/2002 1:14:12 PM


I do all my recording in Vegas Video, and Vegas Audio, and I used to get the buzzing as well, but since I upgraded to Win XP and the newest drivers from Midiman I don't have the problem anymore, so I don't think it's Acid. You have buffer settings in both Acid and the Mixer for the Audiophile. Try using a different driver for the sound card, When I was running Win ME I installed the Win ME driver then I installed the Win 2K driver on top of that without uninstalling the Win 98 driver, and the buzz went away as well in ME, But I also had to power everything off the same outlets.

See ya, Rockit

Subject:RE: audiophile buzz!
Reply by: btm1
Date:1/28/2002 7:41:20 AM

Thanks for all your responses. I did solve
my problem,(at least it's a workaround). I increased the compression on the Boss ME-33 as little as I could (I don't like to use compression if I don't have to) - just enough to make the buzz go away. This seems to give me a clear signal but, I think it's inversely proportional -- when I increase the master volume on the ME-33, I have to lower the compresion threshold, the trick is to get those levels just right; get the volume at a point where it's at a usable level, and get the compresion so that it cuts the buzz but doesn't discolor the tone (I am using a new Ibanez XG220B guitar, just so you know). So I don't think I have any hardware issues w/ the Audiophile, but any
other suggestions would be great.
Thanks again,

Subject:RE: I have the same problem.
Reply by: Djanticz
Date:1/28/2002 5:16:18 PM

same i have the same problem too . I have a CTK-480 casio hooked up to my computer.i have that hooked up to the mic input . i have three inputs in my sound card . i know which one is for speaker , and mic but i don't know what the other one is for i tryed hooking my casio up to that but nothing happenso if anyon know wat port to hook itup to ,or if i have it in the right port and i need to change some configuration?

Subject:RE: audiophile buzz!
Reply by: KidBass
Date:1/30/2002 11:25:57 PM

Check my lastest post on Audiphile Buzzing from KidBass. Its an IRQ conflict, that your sound card is sharing the same IRQ as another device. Below is the Tech Support Email I recieved today, Good luck..worked for me.

Kid Bass

David Wrote:

Check your irq's after installing new hardware as the Delta needs its own irq.
Check for IRQ conflicts. Go to your "device manager tab" located under "Control panel" and "system" and double click on computer at the top. Here is where you will see your IRQ listings.
Where is the Midiman Product?
Is it sharing a IRQ with something else, other than PCI steering?
Do you have any other available IRQs, meaning are there any numbers missing from the 00 to 15?
If an IRQ is available then remove the Device from "Sound, Video Game Controllers" under "Device Manager" With computer turned off, move card to another slot. Some systems BIOS will allow you to turn off Plug and Play and assign a particular PCI slot a specific IRQ. You will need to allocate a single IRQ not shared with any other device to to slot that the Midiman card is in. This feature is usually located under the PCI Bus or PNP option of the BIOS. IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO THE BIOS BEFORE PLEASE CONTACT OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF!! Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM USA Pacific Time (626) 445-8495.
If you do not have an IRQ available you may be able to disable one of you COM ports if it is available. You can do this either in the Bios or from the device manager list.
How to determine the IRQ settings of your computer
1. Right Click on my computer icon choose properties and click on "Device Manager"
2. Double click on computer at the top of the list and find IRQ number the Midiman device is listed on. IT CAN NOT BE SHARED WITH ANY OTHER DEVICE except IRQ steering. IRQ 9 is not a very good for high quality audio, use any other IRQ if at all possible.
3. If no IRQ number is open (missing from the sequentially numbered list 00 to 15) then you need to free up one. Usually a COM port can be disabled in the system BIOS system to free up IRQ 3 or 4. BIOS Setup is reached immediately after powering up your computer by tapping the "Delete" or "F1" or "F2" keys. You need to Disable either of the 2 Serial ports.
"On Board Serial Port A" is for COM1 = IRQ4
"On Board Serial Port B" is for COM2 = IRQ3.
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM USA Pacific Time (626) 445-8495.
Double click on "MY computer"
go to "VIEW"
click on the "VIEW" tab
make sure "show all files" is checked
make sure "Hide extensions" is unchecked.
Now do a "find" ("Start"/"Find/Files and Folders") for Delta and remove
Delta_w0.drv, Delta_w1.drv, Delta_w2.drv, Delta_w3.drv, , Delta_w5.drv, Delta_w6.drv, Delta_wa.drv, Deltacpl.cpl, Deltampu.drv, Deltapnl.exe, Deltasio.dll, Delteasi.dll, Ma_delta.dll, Ma_delta.inf, Ma_delta.vxd.
You might not have all of these files but delete the files you do have. If a files says it is unable to be deleted then reboot and then you will be able to delete the file.
Finally you go back to your "Device Manager" and hit the "Refresh" button and "New hardware wizard" will pop up and you hit "next" then "search for best driver" and the you will select "floppy drive" and hit "next" and finish the installation of the driver.
Or you can just try swapping the current slot the card is installed in on the mother board to another.
In Device Manager you can reserve resources to Move a device off of a particular IRQ. Double click on "Computer" 1st category listed at top of
Device Manager. Reserve Resources tab has and ADD button. The effect is to move all device off of a Currently used IRQ.
ONLY PERFORM THIS WITH IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11!!!!!!


From the support email form:

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