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Subject:ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Posted by: lwgray
Date:12/9/2001 9:19:17 PM

Whenever I try to view the Video in Acid Pro 3 the programme freezes with the following error message....

Sonic Foundry ACID PRO 3.0
Version 3.0c (Build 284)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
In Module 'CSCCDVC.DLL' at Address 0x5920000 + 0x110D
Thread: VideoRender ID=0xFFFEFE0D Stack=0x6A2F000-0x6A30000
EAX=0007e900 CS=0187 EIP=0592110d EFLGS=00010206
EBX=e44049af SS=018f ESP=06a2f870 EBP=06a2f878
ECX=00001f86 DS=018f ESI=059757c0 FS=1ecf
EDX=009497b0 ES=018f EDI=00988ff0 GS=473e
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0592110D: 0F E7 57 10 0F E7 5F 18 ..W..._.
05921115: 83 C7 20 49 75 D6 0F 77 .. Iu..w
Stack Dump:
06A2F870: 06A2F91C 06920000 + 10F91C
06A2F874: 06A2F904 06920000 + 10F904
06A2F878: 0000400D
06A2F87C: 059275BE 05920000 + 75BE (CSCCDVC.DLL)
06A2F880: 05935F60 05920000 + 15F60 (CSCCDVC.DLL)
06A2F884: 009497B0 00900000 + 497B0
06A2F888: 0007E900
06A2F88C: 06A2F904 06920000 + 10F904
06A2F890: E0000000
06A2F894: 00000168
06A2F898: 000000F0
06A2F89C: 001800D8
06A2F8A0: 00000000
06A2F8A4: 00000000
06A2F8A8: 06A2F968 06920000 + 10F968
06A2F8AC: 00000001
> 06A2F8B4: BFF6BB26 BFF60000 + BB26 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 06A2F8B8: 05928793 05920000 + 8793 (CSCCDVC.DLL)
06A2F8BC: 06A2F904 06920000 + 10F904
> 06A2F8C4: 04641182 04640000 + 1182 (DECCDVC.DLL)
06A2F8C8: E44049AF
06A2F8CC: 00000003
06A2F8D0: 0000400D
06A2F8D4: 06A2F904 06920000 + 10F904
> 06A2F8E4: 0461108C 04610000 + 108C (CDVCCODC.DLL)
06A2F8E8: E44049AF
06A2F8EC: 00000003
06A2F8F0: 0000400D
06A2F8F4: 06A2F904 06920000 + 10F904
> 06A2F8FC: 04610000 04610000 + 0 (CDVCCODC.DLL)
- - -
06A2FFF0: BFF76D37 BFF60000 + 16D37 (KERNEL32.DLL)
06A2FFF4: 005895F0 00400000 + 1895F0 (ACID.EXE)
06A2FFF8: 0691F998 06520000 + 3FF998
06A2FFFC: 00000008

What's the solution?

Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/9/2001 9:39:18 PM

All I could find on that "CSCCDVC.DLL" was that it was part of the Canopus Software DV Codec. This correct? I'm not familiar with their products, but have you tried downloading any updates to Canopus software/hardware here?

Could you post more system info too please? (operating system, video hardware, and audio hardware especially.)


Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: lwgray
Date:12/11/2001 1:58:02 AM

I use:

Win Me
Voodoo 3DFX
Soundblaster Platinum Live 3

I did try a non Canopus rendered AVI and that worked so obviously it's something connected with that driver.

However I did have that working before I did a reinstall of Win Me.

I then reinstalled the Canopus codex for playback as well and also reinstalled Acid Pro.

That's my usual strategy for tackling these problems. But it isn't working this time and I get that particular error message.

I tried deleting and replacing CSCCDVC.DLL but that did not work, but there was a slightly different error message.

So I am wondering whether it would work if I deleted and replaced

I'm reluctant to touch it because I haven't a clue what that one does. I'm just looking at the error message and picking out the files it mentions.

Any ideas?

Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/11/2001 1:34:21 PM

Couldn't hurt to try replacing it, especially if it isn't a Windows system file (which, from what I could gather, it isn't). Just remember to rename your present DECCDVC.DLL to something like DECCDVC.BAK, so that in the event something goes awry, you can rename it back.

Try also to uninstall and reinstall the codecs if possible. Just reinstalling, from my experience, doesn't always do the trick.

Have you tried lowering your graphics acceleration any? That's helped out some people, even people who don't use ACID. (Sonar and Cubase users, for example.)


Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: lwgray
Date:12/12/2001 9:33:22 PM

I tried replacing but I still got the same problem. So I uninstalled the Canopus Codex again and reinstalled. The Canopus Codex works in Windows Media Player but when I open the Video view in Acid Pro I now get this...

Sonic Foundry ACID PRO 3.0
Version 3.0c (Build 284)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xFFFFFFFF IP:0xBFF6A613
In Module 'KERNEL32.DLL' at Address 0xBFF60000 + 0xA613
Thread: GUI ID=0xFFF7FC99 Stack=0xB24000-0xB30000
EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=bff6a613 EFLGS=00010293
EBX=00000000 SS=018f ESP=00b248e4 EBP=00b248f4
ECX=00900038 DS=018f ESI=00900000 FS=1f5f
EDX=00000c88 ES=018f EDI=0090000c GS=1f76
Bytes at CS:EIP:
BFF6A613: 8B 03 25 FC FF FF 0F 3B ..: 45 0C 0F 83 81 00 00 00 E.......
Stack Dump:
00B248E4: 00000043
00B248E8: 0093478C 00900000 + 3478C
00B248EC: 00000002
00B248F0: 00090008
00B248F4: 00B24918 00A20000 + 104918
00B248F8: BFF6B5C7 BFF60000 + B5C7 (KERNEL32.DLL)
00B248FC: 00900000 00900000 + 0
00B24900: 00000C88
00B24904: 00000043
00B24908: 00000010
00B2490C: 00C8AF40 00C50000 + 3AF40
00B24910: 00000010
00B24914: FFFFFFFF
00B24918: 40000004 35690000 + A970004
00B2491C: 010C4E8E 01000000 + C4E8E (ACIDK.DLL)
00B24920: 00000042
> 00B2493C: 004EDE03 00400000 + EDE03 (ACID.EXE)
00B24940: 00C12904 00B40000 + D2904
00B24944: 000000C8
00B24948: 00000005
00B2494C: 00000010
> 00B249A4: 00800000 00770000 + 90000 (SFS4RW.DLL)
00B249A8: 00000000
00B249AC: 00008464
00B249B0: 00000080
00B249B4: 84840000 845A6000 + 29A000
> 00B249D0: 00420717 00400000 + 20717 (ACID.EXE)
00B249D4: 00000D9E
00B249D8: 00000000
00B249DC: 00000005
00B249E0: 00000000
> 00B24A40: 00420000 00400000 + 20000 (ACID.EXE)
00B24A44: 89E80D9E 85637000 + 4849D9E
00B24A48: 00000000
00B24A4C: 00000000
00B24A50: 4F3F8A9E 35690000 + 19D68A9E
> 00B24AE8: BFF71591 BFF60000 + 11591 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00B24AEC: 004DAE63 00400000 + DAE63 (ACID.EXE)
- - -
00B2FFF0: 48BF1F76 35690000 + 13561F76
00B2FFF4: 851E5FEC 851C6000 + 1FFEC
00B2FFF8: BFF7A24F BFF60000 + 1A24F (KERNEL32.DLL)
00B2FFFC: 00000000

Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/12/2001 9:39:27 PM

OK, now try replacing KERNEL32.DLL. Click "Start>Run" and in the "Open" field, type, "sfc.exe" (without the quotes). Use the "Extract one file from installation disk" option and type in KERNEL32.DLL. (Be sure your Windows CD is in your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive.) Click "Start". Should start the process.

I doubt if it'll work, as I've had problems with that DLL before and replaced it to no avail, but it couldn't hurt to try nonetheless.


Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: lwgray
Date:12/12/2001 11:55:55 PM

Afraid there's no sfc.exe on my computer. I just get an error message saying it can't be found.

Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/13/2001 3:11:16 PM

Oops. Forgot you had Windows ME. Try "msconfig" (without the quotes) instead of "sfc".

Sorry 'bout that.

UPDATE: Ugh. You'll want to also consult this article. I totally forgot Windows ME has "system file protection." *sighs heavily*


Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: lwgray
Date:12/14/2001 12:18:32 AM

Did it. Replaced kernell32.dll and no change. Still the same problem.

I could try removing all Sonic Foundry programmes. I assume there are some drivers that are shared and so don't get deleted when you uninstall Acid Pro?

Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: Styrerra
Date:12/14/2001 12:30:25 AM

If this helps; It's no longer a program error. It seems to have manifested itself to a windows error. Some changes you made may have brought about changes into the worst OS ever (Win Me).

Refer to the microsoft knowledge base and enter your error codes there. Sorry I forgot the address as I am sittin pretty with 98se

Subject:RE: ERROR MESSAGE... Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x989000 IP:0x592110D
Reply by: lwgray
Date:1/23/2002 3:08:56 AM

No go I'm afraid. I still have the same problem.

I uninstalled all Sonic stuff and and Canopus and then reinstalled and still the video plug in don't work!

I get this error message now though... slightly different. A different driver now seems to be the problem.

Sonic Foundry ACID PRO 3.0
Version 3.0e (Build 329)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xFFFFFFFF IP:0x5F98407A
In Module 'AVIPLUG.DLL' at Address 0x5F930000 + 0x5407A
Thread: VideoRender ID=0xFFF4F1DD Stack=0x921F000-0x9220000
EAX=00967ba0 CS=0187 EIP=5f98407a EFLGS=00250293
EBX=0921f988 SS=018f ESP=0921f934 EBP=075e0000
ECX=00000004 DS=018f ESI=00000000 FS=17e7
EDX=00c9c870 ES=018f EDI=0092d228 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
5F98407A: 89 06 8B 4B 0C 89 4E 0C ...K..N.
5F984082: 8B 53 10 89 56 10 8B 43 .S..V..C
Stack Dump:
0921F934: 00000001
0921F938: 00000001
0921F93C: 00000000
0921F940: 00967BA0 00910000 + 57BA0
0921F944: 00000000
0921F948: 0092D284 00910000 + 1D284
0921F94C: 00000000
0921F950: 5F947090 5F930000 + 17090 (AVIPLUG.DLL)
0921F954: 00974284 00910000 + 64284
0921F958: 00000000
0921F95C: 00967B2C 00910000 + 57B2C
0921F960: 075E0008 075E0000 + 8
0921F964: 00974BE0 00910000 + 64BE0
0921F968: 00974C08 00910000 + 64C08
0921F96C: 5F98482F 5F930000 + 5482F (AVIPLUG.DLL)
0921F970: 0092D228 00910000 + 1D228
> 0921F9A8: 5F947273 5F930000 + 17273 (AVIPLUG.DLL)
> 0921F9C4: 5F94602C 5F930000 + 1602C (AVIPLUG.DLL)
> 0921FA10: 0057F55A 00400000 + 17F55A (ACID.EXE)
0921FA14: 00967784 00910000 + 57784
0921FA18: 00000000
0921FA1C: 00000000
0921FA20: 05A7A2C0 05960000 + 11A2C0
> 0921FA60: 0058440F 00400000 + 18440F (ACID.EXE)
> 0921FA64: 0058A444 00400000 + 18A444 (ACID.EXE)
0921FA70: 00000000
0921FA74: 00000000
> 0921FC14: 7FF37148 7FF20000 + 17148 (OLE32.DLL)
> 0921FC18: 7FF20000 7FF20000 + 0 (OLE32.DLL)
> 0921FC54: BFF6A51D BFF60000 + A51D (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FC88: BFF6A26E BFF60000 + A26E (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FC8C: BFF6A6C8 BFF60000 + A6C8 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FCAC: BFF79235 BFF60000 + 19235 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FCC0: 1A41C64A 1A400000 + 1C64A (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FCC4: 1A41C670 1A400000 + 1C670 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FCD8: 1A4015CA 1A400000 + 15CA (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FCE0: 1A41C60A 1A400000 + 1C60A (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FCF0: 1A41C445 1A400000 + 1C445 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD08: 1A400000 1A400000 + 0 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD0C: BFF7538C BFF60000 + 1538C (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FD10: BFFBB490 BFF60000 + 5B490 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FD28: 7BBD0000 7BBD0000 + 0 (ICMP.DLL)
> 0921FD2C: BFF6B8DC BFF60000 + B8DC (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FD3C: 1A400000 1A400000 + 0 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD40: BFF6BB26 BFF60000 + BB26 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FD4C: 1A41C1F2 1A400000 + 1C1F2 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD50: 1A45A9D8 1A400000 + 5A9D8 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD54: 1A41C9EB 1A400000 + 1C9EB (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD5C: 1A41C9D4 1A400000 + 1C9D4 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD68: 1A400000 1A400000 + 0 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD78: BFF6CA2D BFF60000 + CA2D (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0921FD80: 1A41D2D9 1A400000 + 1D2D9 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD84: 1A41C9D8 1A400000 + 1C9D8 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD8C: 1A41C9D4 1A400000 + 1C9D4 (URLMON.DLL)
> 0921FD90: 3000191D 30000000 + 191D (IMGHOOK.DLL)
> 0921FD94: 3000B67C 30000000 + B67C (IMGHOOK.DLL)
> 0921FDA4: 0756B236 07560000 + B236 (CSEDV.DLL)
> 0921FDA8: 07560000 07560000 + 0 (CSEDV.DLL)
0921FDAC: 00000002
0921FDB0: 00000000
0921FDB4: 00000000
> 0921FDB8: 07560000 07560000 + 0 (CSEDV.DLL)
- - -
0921FFF0: BFF76D37 BFF60000 + 16D37 (KERNEL32.DLL)
0921FFF4: 0058A710 00400000 + 18A710 (ACID.EXE)
0921FFF8: 0097065C 00910000 + 6065C
0921FFFC: 00000008

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