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Subject:Creaing Loop points
Posted by: Raidan
Date:1/14/2002 4:03:18 PM

I have a sound wave that last for 2sec and I want to create loop points so that when I load it back into my sampler the wave will sound off for as long as I hold the key down on the sampler kyb.. How can I do this?

Subject:RE: Creaing Loop points
Reply by: Doug_Marshall
Date:1/14/2002 9:49:51 PM

From the Special menu select Edit Sample. In the dialog box select Sustaining as the sample type and assign a unity note (such as C4) which may help your sampler identify the correct pitch. OK this and open the Loop Tuner (ctrl-L). Here you drag pointers to create the loop and use the left/right arrows to refine it until there is no ticking at the loop point. You should refer to the help file for details.

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