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Subject:What is going on with the tempo?
Posted by: ztrunks123
Date:1/10/2002 2:58:53 AM

I can't find any way to change the tempo for separate tracks, I know you can change the tempo for all the tracks at the same time, but does anyone know how to change each tracks individual tempo? like say I want my beat to speed up, but I want the rest of the tracks to stay at there tempo?

Subject:RE: What is going on with the tempo?
Reply by: vanblah
Date:1/10/2002 9:42:35 AM

I've never done it before, but I think you'd have to make all of your other tracks one-shots or something like that. Then when you changed the tempo of the song, they wouldn't change.

Subject:RE: What is going on with the tempo?
Reply by: morphx
Date:1/14/2002 1:57:03 PM

How about playing with the "number of beats" parameter of the "Stretch" tab from the "Track Properties" dialog?

Let's say that you have the project tempo set at 120BPM and you want one of the tracks to play at 240BPM, just set the "number of beats" to half its current value.

I use this trick quite often to create "drum & bass" mixes.

Subject:RE: What is going on with the tempo?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/15/2002 11:26:12 AM

morphx hit the nail on the head.

Halve the number of beats for a loop to double the tempo. Double the number of beats to halve the tempo. (Did you get that?) :)


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