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Subject:Problems with Acid Pro 3.0(e) upgrade and XP
Posted by: Junkieman
Date:1/8/2002 10:24:46 PM

I have installed the upgrade to (e) and now can't use the record feature in ACID at all. I've had other intermittent errors, that I didn't think were happening before the upgrade, but they could be just coincidence.

I would simply reinstall acid and the upgrade to (d) but then I use up one of my precious installation codes, and don't want to waste it, as I also reformat my hard drive often like others in this forum.

I sent an email before Christmas, and I understand the delay due to the hollidays, but now I'm getting to the point of needing an answer fairly soon. As a work around right now, I've been recording into SoundForge while Acid is running in the background, but that isn't optimal, and I would prefer to have an answer if there is a known problem with WIN XP compatibility and Acid Pro. Like I said, it was working terrific before I upgraded to (e).

Thanks for your help.


Subject:RE: Problems with Acid Pro 3.0(e) upgrade and XP
Reply by: tsalyards
Date:1/9/2002 9:26:25 AM

I would ditch Windows XP at your earliest convenience and start using Windows 2000 Professional. Windows XP is too new to be relied upon for any professional audio applications anytime in the near future. It will take a good many months for hardware manufacturers to start writing drivers that work well with Windows XP. This is where Windows 2000 was about a year ago, now (finally) most hardware manufacturers have fairly soild Windows 2000 drivers.

Windows XP is essentially Windows 2000 dumbed down for the consumer market.


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