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Subject:For burning...trying to make track indexes from single 60 minute mix
Posted by: tsalyards
Date:1/6/2002 1:03:37 PM

I've just started using SoundForge 5.0 and am getting a bit frustrated not being able to figure out some good old fashioned CD Architect functionality.


Index a large 60+ minute mix and burn to audio CD without pauses between tracks.

Things that I already know how to do:

Recording the track is not a problem. I am also able to burn cds in SoundForge, so all systems are go. I once thought that using regions and playlists might be the answer but it seems that this has nothing to do with creating a track index for burning.

This was simple before SF 5.0 with CD Architect but I can't seem to pull it off. I am assuming that SF 5.0 has integrated old CD Architectures functionality.

Any help on how to do this would be most greatly appreciated.


Subject:RE: For burning...trying to make track indexes from single 60 minute mix
Reply by: kryten
Date:1/7/2002 2:04:01 AM



Things that I already know how to do:

Assume nothing. You know what is said about assuming...

SF5 only does track-at-once (2-second pause between tracks) instead of disk-at-once (no pauses). This is anticipated to be ready for VA 3.0 when it is announced. Stay tuned...

Why I would want CDA functionality in VV 3.0 is a mystery to me...I don't do video production. Can anyone enligten me? Thx.

Subject:RE: For burning...trying to make track indexes from single 60 minute mix
Reply by: RumpL4skn
Date:1/7/2002 10:00:22 AM

I was about to post the same question. I was hoping I was just missing something in 5.0, but they really didn't get CLOSE to what CD Architect can do, as far as burning full audio CD projects. I'm keeping 4.5 and CDArch installed just for that function.

Subject:RE: For burning...trying to make track indexes from single 60 minute mix
Reply by: tsalyards
Date:1/7/2002 7:26:51 PM

Bummer about the lack of functionality...but thanks for the posts.

I got the job done by splicing up the mix and burning in Nero...doing everything in the same application is a wonderful plus, but I guess it just isn't happening this time.

Too bad that CD Architect doesn't play with my new burner. Oh well.


Subject:RE: For burning...trying to make track indexes from single 60 minute mix
Reply by: recordpusher
Date:1/7/2002 9:35:13 PM

Short Cut- on your entire mix (60min) place a marker at the begining & end of each track, then convert markers to regions. Next export regions and it will save each region as an individual track that you can then burn disc at once with another program. (I know it sucks that Sonndforge dosen't alow disc at once, but this way is still alot faster than copying and pasting each track.

check out this web site, it gives detailed instructions.

Subject:RE: For burning...trying to make track indexes from single 60 minute mix
Reply by: recordpusher
Date:1/7/2002 9:35:58 PM

copy and paste this link in your broswer.

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