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Subject:Creating loop points with Sound Forge 4.5
Posted by: Raidan
Date:1/7/2002 8:01:03 AM

I want to create a guitar sample from a open E string Wav. I don't know how to set the loop points so that the wav will loop for as long as I hold down the note.

Subject:RE: Creating loop points with Sound Forge 4.5
Reply by: allensuela
Date:1/7/2002 6:23:37 PM

i'm trying to find out the same thing. let me know if you figure it out and i'll do the same. cool?

Subject:RE: Creating loop points with Sound Forge 4.5
Reply by: Doug_Marshall
Date:1/7/2002 7:20:50 PM

OK. First you go to Edit Sample from the Special menu. In the dialog box set the sample type to Sustaining. You can also assign a unity note so your sampler knows what pitch to sound in relation to the key pressed. OK to exit. Open the Loop Tuner (Ctrl-L). This places a split screen below the waveform and you will see markers above the waveform display which you can slide around. These will define the loop. Below the loop window are left/right arrows that you can use to snap to zero crossings in the waveforms. The object is to match up the waveforms in the left pane and the right pane exactly at a zero crossing point for a neat, silent loop. Play the loop from the "play loop" button (the center button of the group of three) at the lower left of the loop tuner window to audition the results.

Your loop for the guitar may need to be pretty short due to the constantly changing amplitude and tone of the guitar string. This can make the looping tricky.

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