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Subject:Jerky cursor
Posted by: Rodders
Date:1/4/2002 8:40:39 AM

Sound Forge XP4 worked fine on my old pentium mmx 166MHz machine, with 48MB of memory.
Now I have a 1.4GHZ Athlon with 256MB of memory, the cursor jerks along out of time, and the transport buttons are very slow to react.
The knowledge base suggests that economising on the CPU overhead by shutting down the counters and meters, but with all the extra power I don't think it's running out of steam. The old 166 pentium managed fine.
Anyone know how I can improve this?

Subject:RE: Jerky cursor
Reply by: vanblah
Date:1/4/2002 10:34:45 AM

This sounds like an IRQ conflict. What version of Windows are you using?

Subject:RE: Jerky cursor
Reply by: Rodders
Date:1/7/2002 8:32:43 AM

You may be right, my win98SE shows several shared IRQs, and a boot-up message tells me SB emulation is not loaded because of an IRQ conflict with PCI.
In the "old" days there was one IRQ per application, but the windows steering seems to lump many together, so I'm not sure how to resolve IRQ conflicts any more.
Windows System Information reports no IRQ conflicts, and Device Manager shows all SB emulation to be fine.
Thanks for any help.

Subject:RE: Jerky cursor
Reply by: RumpL4skn
Date:1/7/2002 10:05:29 AM

The IRQ thing is definitely as possibility, but I've found that sometimes a much more basic problem exists: your video card. If you upgraded your system CPU to 1.4, but kept your old 8M video card, this stuttering can happen. I strongly recommend the Matrox G400 16Meg. Fixed quite a few glitches on my 1.4 system, and I had a S3-Savage4 32M before that.

Subject:RE: Jerky cursor
Reply by: Rodders
Date:1/8/2002 7:06:58 AM

There are no less than 8 items sharing IRQ11! The video card and the sound card which sounds to me like a recipe for trouble, but it's due to the wonderful WIN98SE management skills(!).
The video card is new, an ATI Radeon 64MB AGP, but I lowered the colour depth last night from 32bit to 16 bit and that definitely helped the soundforge cursor and indeed the whole programme ran smoother.
So thanks to both of you, the problem is a "soft" conflict with the video card. How I cure it properly is another matter though.

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