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Subject:Why can't SF 5 record 24 bitor 96 kHz with Layla24?
Posted by: arcmusic
Date:1/5/2002 11:24:46 AM

Still no word from Sonic Foundry on this, nor has Echo answered me.... I have tried recording with SF 5.0d on a dual boot PC with both Windows Me and XP using a Layla 24 card and its newest (non-beta) ver 6.0 WDM driver. SF 5.0 will record only silence at 24 or 32 bit settings, but records fine at 16 bit. Also at 16 bit and 96 kHz it will record, but always with extreme dropouts. I have seen others report these same problems. I have also seen SF 5.0 record just fine at 24 bit with other 24 bit cards and WDM drivers, so SF must support it. Is it just a Echo/driver problem, or something Sonic Foundry can address? Any special settings I can try?

Subject:RE: Why can't SF 5 record 24 bitor 96 kHz with Layla24?
Reply by: DCools
Date:1/6/2002 4:15:05 AM

Hi There,

I also use Windows XP Pro and the Layla24 with the WDM 6.00 drivers and Sound Forge 5.0e (Build 248). I just found out that I have the same problem. I installed Windows XP Pro two weeks ago and didn't record at 24bit yet. After reading you message I recorded at 24bit but after a few second it just stops recording and it's like the program hangs but it continues with short steps.

I did the same in Vegas Video 3.0 (Build 76) (Record 96/24 all went ok, 48/24 and 44/24 no way, it sound like the chipmunks. When I lock the sample rate in the Layla Console setting no input in Vegas.

I have to mention that I start Sound Forge and Vegas Video in the Windows 2000 Compatible mode.

I think I go back to Windows 2000 where everything worked. Now I hope I don't get into activation code problems again for al my Sonic Foundry software :(

Diederick F.M. Cools.

Subject:RE: Why can't SF 5 record 24 bitor 96 kHz with Layla24?
Reply by: tsalyards
Date:1/6/2002 12:50:31 PM

I wouldn't flip over to Windows XP if you are already running Windows 2000. Windows XP is so base-consumer oriented that it will be another year before it starts to support Professional Audio well...much like happened with Windows 2000. Win2k is finally ready...I would say use it.

Also, if you read the known issues document for the 6.0 WDM Echo24 driver, you will see that it lists recording in 24 bit with SoundForge 5.0 as problematic for "some." and that they are looking into a fix.


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