Can't arm recording

Nel. wrote on 9/28/2013, 1:56 PM
The mic was working fine... but for some reason.... I cannot Arm for recording VMS 12 plat. 64 bit
Can someone point me in the right direction to get help for my Meteor Samson mic and Xonar DX sound card....
I have to switch from my Meteor mic to my web cam microphone for manually removing the USB cable from the Mic to get the web cam to work (sound wise)...(.and change the settings in the Sound, Recording devices etc) The webcam UBS stays in place They don't like to be both connected.... (I cannot hear Skype if the USB Mic is plugged in).

I checked the recording devices. and the sound card.... the Mic doesn`t work in the sound card... but is alive in the recording devices.... the green bars work.... but nothing in the Xonar.... nor VMS