Video Renders 14 fps

geekazine wrote on 7/7/2013, 3:17 PM
This has happened a few times which I thought I did. Today I rendered with settings I already set up and it happened again.

I get done rendering a video. When I look at the completed video, it says the frame rate is at 14 fps. When I re-render, the frame rate goes back up to 29.97

I am going to re-install Movie Studio to see if that fixes the problem.

My settings are for 1080p - 4,000,000 MB 29.97, 128 kbps and using CUDA.


Steve Grisetti wrote on 7/7/2013, 5:42 PM
Where does it say the frame rate is 14 fps? It could be that you're reading preview rate on the Preview panel.

If you're talking about your output video, which Render As template did you use to create it?