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Subject:Beware update (e)
Posted by: Lutz
Date:12/22/2001 3:38:52 PM

After the following time consuming episode I wouldn't recommend installing the updates...

First I installed Acid Pro 3 and Sound Forge Studio XP 5 per my installation CD's. Later I updated with (c) which worked okay. Then today I updated both with latest updates on top of everything and got the error message you spoke of and Sound Forge would not even open at all and further listed two readme files and two uninstalls in the programs. So I uninstalled everything and installed ONLY the lastest updates for both Acid Pro 3 and Sound I still get the same error message in Acid Pro after registering and Sound Forge says the same serial to activate Acid Pro 3 is invalid!!

I am running XP Pro for a operating system.

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Lutz
Date:12/22/2001 3:42:08 PM

oops...I mean Acid said my serial # for Sound Forge XP studio update (e) is invalid.

I have since reinstalled my Acid Pro 3 from the orginal disks and all is working.

Good luck

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:12/22/2001 4:49:37 PM


Did you try installing the e version from scratch without installing from your CD first?, because they are full installs not just updates, you don't need a previous install before installing the updates.

Also did you upgrade to XP or did you do a clean install?

Let me know, Rockit

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Lutz
Date:12/23/2001 12:16:51 PM

As I indicated in my post above I tried both...installing over 3(c) and uninstalling everything and installing only updates. The only updates caused my Sound Forge not to open at all and Acid 3 Pro took my serial # open and gave me a undetermined error message but seemed to open okay.

I am using a clean install of XP Pro on a P4, 1800mhz, 512 megs of DRAM on the 850 Intel based chipset.


Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:12/26/2001 9:27:26 AM

Hi did you get your problem fixed with the e-update?
I have the same MOBO but a P4 1.7 and Win2k no problems here.

George Ware

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: mhoppe
Date:12/27/2001 10:37:49 AM

Hi Lutz,

i have the exact problem with both updates (Acid Pro 3.0e and Sound Forge 5.0e) on my WinXP-Setup. After some reinstallations my serial-numbers were not recognized anymore (too many activations issued). Today I tried it again and now I am getting the message "invalid userID"? What happened? I wrote two emails to customer support but got no reply until now.

Hope they will fix it soon - evaluation time is passing by! :o)

I am willing to reinstall my system but I will wait for an answer by the supportteam!

If for any reason you will find a solution to our problem, please post it here!

Thanx a lot!


Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:12/27/2001 11:31:14 AM


Is this a fresh Windows install or an upgrade?
Sometimes it's better to start fresh rather than upgrade.


Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Lutz
Date:12/27/2001 12:54:22 PM

For what it worth here is the email response from the tech support person named Joshua. He basically told me to do what I already did except he provided me with a different SN for Sound Forge Studio 5 which only got me by the "invalid SN" to yet another problem.

I have no problems with the orginal install from my store bought disks...I guess that's what I am stuck with.

My correspondence with the tech support person follows:

Hi Joshua,

I have tried doing exactly what you suggested before...but I tried it again using the new Sound Forge SN you provided.

Exactly the same thing happened again...Acid Pro 3 opens with a error message stating: An error occured when starting ACID. The reason for the error cannot be determined.

Regarding Sound Forge XP Studio 5.0 using the update (e) only after complete uninstall of all ACID products and using your provided SN #,however now instead of responding with a invalid SN a splash screen appears on my monitor for less than a second then shuts down completely.

I am seeing others are having this same problem using XP under the forum in Acid Family title Beware update (e)

I am using a clean install of Windows XP Pro on a new hard drive.



-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Dodge []
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 7:39 AM
To: 'Stan'
Subject: RE: Sound Forge XP Studio 5.0 support request from Stan

Hello Stan,

Try uninstalling what you have on the machine, then installing just the 3.0e
update by itself. It's a full installer. You don't need the CD version on
the machine first.

If you still get an error, then send me the full error message. If you get
a 'details' button send the details to me including the entire stac

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: damadprofessor
Date:12/27/2001 9:06:30 PM

Yes I agree, if you haven't tried it yet. Uninstall everything[acid + updates], reboot and just install the final updates [e]. It helped my problem documented here :: [ ]
Good Luck!

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: mhoppe
Date:12/28/2001 9:26:27 AM

Hi all,

I don't think this will help much. I am using a fresh install of WinXP Pro and I tried several methods getting ACID PRO 3.0e and SOUND FORGE PRO 5.0e to work (updates, deinstallations and fresh installations of the latest e-versions). I always run into the same problems. ACID PRO 3.0e starts up with an error message stating "An error occurred starting ACID. The reason for this error could not be determined." and there's no detail-button at all. However, I can still work with ACID - the error just comes at startup and it does not seem to have influences on working with ACID.
SOUND FORGE 5.0e however scans for the plugins, shows the mainscreen for a quarter of seconds and shuts itself down. There's no way of working with it.
All these troubles made my serialnumbers go invalid after a time but this was fixed today during a phonecall with SF's customersupport. (thanks alot, guys)
After all I will again use older versions of ACID and SOUND FORGE (ACID PRO 3.0c and SOUND FORGE PRO 5.0d still do their jobs...).

Hope they will fix this issue...

Greetings, Marco

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Lutz
Date:12/28/2001 4:26:57 PM

So Sonic tech support had no solution for the {e} updates and Windows XP?? No promises of fixes?? I have exactly the same problem, error message in Acid, and 1/4 second splash screen then shut down of Forge.

I am back to my orginal Acid Pro 3 discs.

There is no other updates listed other than {e} you know anywhere to get (c) or (d)?


Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: mhoppe
Date:12/29/2001 4:02:30 AM

Hi Lutz,

unfortunately I also did not find any older "updates" of ACID PRO and SOUND FORGE PRO on SF's website. Nevertheless, I found versions 3.0c (ACID PRO) and 5.0d (SOUND FORGE PRO) on a backup cd I made a while ago. If this would help you then I can send you these versions. I do not think that this goes beyond SF's philosophy, because without serialnumbers these are only trial-versions.

Interested? - contact me at


Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Lutz
Date:12/29/2001 2:39:02 PM

Thank Marco, I have cable modem but my provider limits emails to 10 meg attachments...I think both Sound Forge and Acid is around 22 megs each.

Gosh Marco you worried about stepping on their toes by offering me a download?
If you look at it says Sound Forge Studio 5 is compatable with Win XP...clearly it is not. We have a violation of the Uniform Commerical Code-Implied fitness for a particular purpose. I paid $150 for their take is I think we ought to start a class action suit against these monkeys.

Well say good-bye to Lutz.

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:12/29/2001 9:56:30 PM


How can you say it's not compatable with Win XP when I'm running every program they make on Windows XP, Maybe there is something wrong with a certain chipset and win XP or something like that how can you pinpoint it directly to Sonic Foundry products.
Have you contacted Sonic Foundry by phone and spoken to a tech? Maybe you should try that first before giving up on the program.

Good Luck, Rockit

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:12/29/2001 10:45:43 PM

I'm not at my computer right now, but i'm sure i have at least 3.0c, and
i might have 3.0d as well (i'll have to check tomorrow afternoon). If
you really need these, i can upload them to my web server and then
you can download them with your browser. That would get around the
10MB eMail limit.

If even that is a problem, i can always send you a CD with all the versions
i've downloaded.

However, i'll also wait until at least Wednesday so that Sonic Foundry can
read this first and post a disapproval if they don't want me to do this. I
don't wanna step on their toes.

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: saberlight
Date:12/30/2001 1:54:26 AM

I just bought the Acid Music 3.0 today, well yesterday now. I'm running XP home edition and I can install it just fine --don't get any error messges--but I can't create anything. I tried copying the .dll files to system files but it didn't do any good. Do you guys think it has something to do with XP. I e-mailed tech and got their auto reply message saying they would be out until the 27th...HA! it's the 30th now. Goes to show you they're on their toes! heh! Anyhow if anyone has any Idea how I can get my music 3.0 to create music let me know! All I can do is play around with pitches and keys for now I can add the tracks but they don't show in the track view, they show in the track list but that's it I can't do crap! E-mail me if you guys can help me figure out why! Thanks Jess :)

Subject:How to fix this issue...
Reply by: mhoppe
Date:12/30/2001 7:16:54 AM

Hello all,

as everybody noticed there are a couple of problems for some users regarding the official XP-releases of SF's products (versions "e"). One co-user of us (Diederick - thank you so much) posted an interesting article in the Sound Forge forum.
Here's how to ged rid of annoying undefined error-messages under WinXP (for all(!?) SF-products).
Pick up your launching icon in the startmenu and open up the properties. There you can activate a compatibility-modus for the corresponding shortcut - set this to Win2000.

Baddabing Baddaboom - all your problems are gone! :o)

I like to say thanks again to Diederick, who solved this issue!


Subject:RE: How to fix this issue...
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:1/3/2002 7:47:17 PM

I've said it before and i'll say it again ... XP is evil ;-)
Every technical review i've read of it advises running away. Windows 2000
is a good choice though. It's rock solid and stable.

As i offered a few days ago, if any of you are still looking for 3.0c, you
can download it from my server:
It's 22.3MB, so let's be polite and not all go at once, thanks! ;)

Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/3/2002 11:08:19 PM

How are your "adding track" such that you can't see them in the track view?

The only way to "add a track" to ACID is by opening/adding an audio file. You will see a track show up, but with no events. You must then "paint" in the events.


Subject:RE: Beware update (e)
Reply by: buford
Date:1/4/2002 11:14:50 AM


I had a problem updating to e also. After I updated, i could no longer see any files in the explorer section of either acid pro or vegas video. Had to reinstall everything.


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