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Subject:Multitrack Playback
Posted by: ad5950
Date:7/3/2013 2:37:19 PM

Hello, I am hoping to get some help with a project I'm attempting.

For the record I am not a recording or studio person, I'm a live sound engineer and know very little about recording etc....

That being said I'm trying to create a system I can use to train new engineers without having a band available using my Sony Acid Studio 7.0 and analog mixers.

What I'd like to do is either build a "sample" song and then be able to play it back in multitrack format so each trask on the song goes into a separate channel on the mixer. This way I can get people real time hands on access to making eq changes, adjusting the dynamics and creating a mix and not have to have a band endure the process..

So my questions are, with the right audio interface, will Acid playback in multitrack format? If so, what can I use for an interface? Will something like a Maya 44 4/4 USB sound card work or even something like the Presonus 1818VSL work?

I really don't need a ton of channels and would like to keep the costs modest for this if at all possible.


Subject:RE: Multitrack Playback
Reply by: pwppch
Date:7/3/2013 3:18:45 PM

I don't believe that ACID studio 7 will allow for the type of bus routing in the mixer you require.

ACID Pro will permit you to set up to 26 sub busses that you can assign directly to the hardware ports on your device. We recommend the use of ASIO supported audio hardware.

To achieve what you desire, you would add a sub bus for each stereo pair port on your hardware device.

You then route each of your audio tracks to one of these busses. You would set the gains for each of the tracks and busses to 0 db since you will be mixing externally.

Your hardware device would then have each of its outputs connected to each channel of your mixer inputs.

If your track material is mono, you would want to hard pan left or right your tracks so that each mono port of your audio hardware would recieve a mono signal. By default ACID will send a track to a stereo pair even if it is mono source media.


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