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Subject:Can't Find Process Tools Effects
Posted by: kctexan
Date:12/28/2001 9:33:19 PM

Have SF 4.5b Build 269 w/Windows 98 SE. I had to revert to previous Microsoft registry to boot SF again when it stopped working, and when I did, the previously-used Process Effects and Tools menu items disappeared. Added those 3 back in using Options and Preferences, but they still won't appear on the toolbar. They were working fine before I had to regain SF on the previous registry (dated 2 days before SF stopped working). Has anyone run into this, or know what I can do to regain these tools (which I use a lot!).

Thanks -


Subject:RE: Can't Find Process Tools Effects
Reply by: aggroman
Date:1/4/2002 5:42:40 PM

go to View/Toolbars and select which toolbars you want to be shown on the screen.

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