NBTP 2 not backward compatible with V1?

Gene Aum wrote on 6/18/2013, 8:59 PM
I'm opening a number of projects that had used NBTP v1.x - but now in VP12 with NBTP v2.
None of the titles are displaying.
When I click on the 'Generated Media' icon in the NBTP timeline clip an almost blank 'Video Media Generator' window pops up. Only Frame Size and Duration fields (which btw are grayed out) are in the window. Also the Plug-In Choose window pops up at the same time with nothing to select.

I must say that I find myself using NBTP less and less due to its inconsistent behavior. This latest issue makes matters worse.

Oh, I should add that when I open the veg file an initial Warning window pops up stating ' .... the plug-in(s) specified are not installed on this system'
It makes sense as NBTP v1 shows up with a different name in the Media Generators tab - so I can see why the older project is not finding the plugin - but surely NBfx should have taken this into account


Ros wrote on 6/19/2013, 2:15 PM
I don't think you can open your NBTP v1 titles with NBTP v2.

You need to convert them into NBTP v2 compatible titles which I believe was outlined somewhere in this forum but I just can't find that thread anymore.
I also need to convert some of my NBTP v1 tiltes to v2.

jetdv wrote on 6/19/2013, 2:54 PM
TP1 and TP2 are two totally separate products. If you created a project using TP1 and now have only TP2 installed, those TP1 titles will not work as the plugin is not installed. Instead, you would need to install TP1 too. You can have both installed at the same time - I do.

To update to TP2, open the title in TP1, save it, replace it with a TP2 media, and the open the saved title in TP2.
Gene Aum wrote on 6/20/2013, 10:26 AM
That's unfortunate that your programmers couldn't at least implement an import/export feature in TP2 to bring in TP1 titles, then of course save them as TP2.

I don't understand the part of your directions which states "replace it with a TP2 media". Does that imply redo the title?
jetdv wrote on 6/20/2013, 1:07 PM
They did. You open the title in Titler Pro 1 and the Save the title (export) - File/Save to a .nbtitle file. Then you add a new Titler Pro 2 and Open the title (import) - File/Open the .nbtitle file..