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Subject:Time Compress/Expand question...
Posted by: james_kcmo
Date:12/23/2001 2:21:56 PM

I have Sound Forge XP 4.0. When I use the Time Compress/Expand function, it gives me a kind of choppy result. For instance, I had a violin sample that I wanted to expand to sustain the note. I set the Time Cmprs./Exp. for the Solo Instruments setting and increase the final length. The sample becomes longer, but it now sounds unsmooth, and choppy. Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to do this?

Subject:RE: Time Compress/Expand question...
Reply by: Engineer
Date:12/27/2001 5:09:06 PM

Hi James

When ever you expand a sound file you are taking some small pieces of the file and inserting them into the original file, to create a longer file. Try this again but this time only expand the file by a smaller amount.

Bill Woolford

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