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Subject:Batch Converter 5.0a build 146 problems
Posted by: SonicCaveDan
Date:12/26/2001 4:49:02 PM

A few things:
When creating/editing a batch script, the names of the presets often either come up "untitled" or will actually change from the proper preset-name to "untitled" as I add more plug-in presets to the script. The parameters reflect my intended presets, however, I have been having erroneous batch converter results so it tends to decrease my confidence in batch converter.

Also, I have previously had issues where I created a batch and applied it to some files. The resulting files showed digital distortion. When I applied THE SAME sequence of presets to the files manually in SF, there was no distortion. I addressed this to Tech Support and got a reply, responded with files and the script and never heard from him again.

Also, I created a batch which used normalize, compression and Waves L1 to really pin the levels in the file. The resulting files appeared to have little or no change to them. Sometimes rebooting fixes things - sometimes not. Have others noticed this type of behaviour?

I'm running W98SE, SF5.0 - Dell Dimension 4100 - 866 mhz, 384 mb RAM ... thanks for any info


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