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Subject:Acid Pro 7: Recording vocals
Posted by: Akali47
Date:3/24/2013 7:48:50 PM

I;m trying to record vocals in Acid &. However, I'm having the vocalist wear headphones to hear the track (monitor). When the vocal recording starts the vocals can be heard through the headphones along with the audio track.

Is there a way to 'turn-off' the vocals, so they are not heard through the headphones, while recording? I (vocalist) only wants to be able to hear the audio track though the vocalists headphones...while recording.

In other studios I've worked in, only the audio track is heard (vocalist headphones).

Please advise.... this is very frustrating!

Thank you!

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 7: Recording vocals
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:3/25/2013 2:38:37 AM

Amply covered in both Help and in the manual. Search for "Input Monitoring".

But first make sure your audio interface mixer applet is not adding the incoming audio to the output. Do it all from within Acid.


(Hint - Page 174 on ....)

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 7: Recording vocals
Reply by: Akali47
Date:3/26/2013 8:15:29 AM

Thank you for the response.

However, I have read through the manual as you suggested… many times.
Here is my setup:

Mic/keyboard/synth/etc -> 12 Channel board -> computer line-in.
Problem: all inputs come through while recording, only issue is with the vocalists headphones picking-up (hearing) their vocals while recording along with the acid track.
The input monitor selection buttons are not selectable. Always on ‘off’.

Scenario two:
Mic/keyboard/synth/etc -> 12 Channel board -> computer mic-in
Problem: Inputs ONLY come through during play-back, not during recording (which is fine for vocal recording). Temp solution… when I want to hear keyboards/etc I have to change input to computer from ‘mic’ to ‘line-in’.
NOTE: The input monitor selection buttons are still not selectable. Always on ‘off’.


Subject:RE: Acid Pro 7: Recording vocals
Reply by: pwppch
Date:3/26/2013 8:40:43 AM

What audio device are you using for input and out on you computer?

What is the make and model of the mixer you are using?


Subject:RE: Acid Pro 7: Recording vocals
Reply by: Akali47
Date:3/26/2013 1:13:22 PM


Device is the generic windows classic mapper (ASIO, and I have no audio, although meters respond accordingly).

Behringer PMP1000


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