Downloading older versions...

Myerz wrote on 2/10/2013, 12:28 PM
If you have paid for and downloaded the latest version and it sucks more than the previous version shouldn't you be able to download the newest previous version?

(e.g. I paid for VP12 and downloaded it ( again build 486).... it locks up, crashes, just doesn't work but VP10 is rock solid. So, since VP12 isn't working I thought maybe VP11 is like a goldieloks.... a bit better than VP10 and more stable than VP12.

Are we allowed to download VP11, register it and have it because we wasted our money on Vp12?

Just a thought?


JackW wrote on 2/10/2013, 1:04 PM
I don't have an answer to your question, but wouldn't it make more sense to figure out why version 12, which seems to be working well for many of the posters here, is causing you so much grief?

rs170a wrote on 2/10/2013, 1:13 PM
Are we allowed to download VP11, register it and have it because we wasted our money on Vp12?

No you aren't. You can try contacting customer service, explaining the situation and see if they will be willing to help you.

Geoff_Wood wrote on 2/10/2013, 1:47 PM
If you are havng problems with V12 (most aren't) , V11 wouldn't help you because most (all ?) were having problems there !

Suggest work on solving your problem with V12.

SOMERSET wrote on 2/10/2013, 3:17 PM
Your request seems reasonable from my perspective. I have been using Vegas since version 7 with little or no problem until 12. My service request regarding the newest and most troublesome version have been ignored. I've thrown my hands in the air and have gone back to using version 11.
monoparadox wrote on 2/10/2013, 4:39 PM
Go to the "my software" under "my account".

If it says "my" under your account, it should be "yours."
Chienworks wrote on 2/10/2013, 7:48 PM
It would be nice. I never got 10 to work, and 11 & 12 won't run on any of my hardware. If i was going to purchase more licenses they would be version 9, but Sony won't sell anything older than the current version. That leaves me a bit stuck, and leaves them without any more sales to me.
Myerz wrote on 2/11/2013, 3:29 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions and understanding...

Ideally, yes I would love to run VP12, it's why I bought it to begin with.... doh!

I just figured at one point ( @ VP9) I spent over $500.00 for this software and then ~ $139 at each upgrade... you'd think I would be "allowed" to upgrade or downgrade to any version prior to the current one. I mean .... they got our money at some point along the way. You'd hope that Sony would want it's loyal customers to be satisified with their product, no matter what version it was....especially if it was a version that worked.
Don't get me wrong... I participate in the idea of trying to resolve my issues by sending my error reports, my crashes, etc into sony... in detail. I wish Sony would offer more of a diagnostic to help us further troubleshoot what the conflicts might be via a system scan or API conflic report or some kind of suggestion.... we don't get anything! It's really unacceptable. With how Vegas runs off of Windows API it easy to screw things up with Windows I'm not blaming Sony or Vegas, but when Vegas and MS Windows stop playing nice with each other it would be nice to figure out exactly why.... and not have to only hope that the next upgrade fixes what may or may not be broke between the two. If it truly is my system then why is VP 10 rock solid? What changed? VP12 is the only thing I can point to..... Sorry Sony. I love the amount of control Vegas offers but when you the platform is completely unusable then it really doesn't do me any good.
Geoff_Wood wrote on 2/11/2013, 9:15 PM
" If it truly is my system then why is VP 10 rock solid? What changed?"

In which version did MS DOT.NET rear it's head ?
