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Subject:To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Posted by: JoeD
Date:12/8/2001 3:16:30 AM

I tested sf 4.5 with a stereo file....when I select the left or right channels separately and plays each side of teh stereo field accordingly....

but when I do the EXACT same thing in SF5.0e, it ALWAYS outputs stereo (both L\R sides play) when selecting either R or L for playback.

the audio (what you HEAR)should be playing only right or left's always stereo.

I need a fix for this?

Is this known?

It really needs to be addressed (sf 4.5 does it just fine).


Subject:RE: To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Reply by: MarkWWW
Date:12/8/2001 7:47:06 AM

I don't suppose this is any help, but SF5.0e works fine for me. Select the left channel and it plays back just the left, select the right channel and it plays back just the right, select both (or none) and it plays back both - just as 4.5 used to.

Subject:RE: To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Reply by: MyST
Date:12/8/2001 10:31:51 AM

Okay, I'm far from being a tech, but...
You didn't mention if your play meters were also playing stereo or if just one was showing movement.
I have noticed that if my speakers are set to "SRS", I get sound from both speakers, even though SF is clearly showing just the left or right channel playing.


Subject:RE: To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Reply by: JoeD
Date:12/8/2001 4:31:03 PM

More info:

the meters "show" one side or the other accordingly of audio playing...but the output is stereo.

BIG ALSO: this seems to happen with 24-bit stereo\44.1 files...

the 16-bit 44.1 files DO PLAYBACK CORRECTLY.


Hey SF...where are you guys???
I've emailed support with no replies.

Please help,

Subject:RE: To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Reply by: sk
Date:12/8/2001 9:06:08 PM

No help here with regard to the mono/stereo issue, Joe, but as far as responses from tech...I've been averaging about 3 weeks in between responses. Not too keen, considering the less than generous 2 month free support time frame. That averages out to about 3 requests.

Subject:RE: To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Reply by: bluebus
Date:12/10/2001 4:11:24 AM

>>>it ALWAYS outputs stereo (both L\R sides play) when selecting either R or L for playback.<<

Yes true, I can confirm this behaviour for 44,1 kHz @ 24 and 32 bit.

Subject:RE: To any SF TECHS..Please help!! (no answer from support?)
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:12/10/2001 1:01:26 PM

Hi Joe-

Thanks for bringing this bug to our attention. We'll have a fix for it in the next release. Not sure of the exact date, but it should be coming up pretty soon.

Joel Gilbertson-White
Sonic Foundry
Madison, WI

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