Anybody heard of Motiva?

Grazie wrote on 12/23/2012, 6:10 AM
Motiva is a Spanish company dedicated to creating 3D content and software.

Seen it posted on the COW. Anybody got the lowdown.




bill-kranz wrote on 12/23/2012, 8:32 AM

For the single personal license it would be $120.00 US dollars during this sale period.

Looks like a pretty handy OFX package(s).
Grazie wrote on 12/23/2012, 9:21 AM
Thanks Bill. But what does it do?

farss wrote on 12/23/2012, 2:30 PM
They have a number of demo vidoes that show what it does.
From watching those, simulate camera and film defects, add DOF and very curiously, change textures.

Which leads to the more interesting question; how does it do it and what does it need to do it.

From their features page:

It does not handle 3D data so the meshes are no longer needed. You can share your project without sending your meshes! Colimo only needs a few render passes of our shader in Modo 501 or Mental Ray, or any render coming from Thea Render

So it's main market is for compositors / finishers working with CGI. Some of their FXs would probably work with footage from a real camera, the more advanced FXs such as DOF from what I can determine rely on unique properties of CGI images.

Grazie wrote on 12/23/2012, 2:38 PM
Thanks Bob.


RRA wrote on 12/24/2012, 6:30 AM

I have been emailing with them, they claim that demo version of OFXs will be ready on begining of new year.

They have very interested effects based on Z-map (the same is also in one of the package from GenArts). The problem is : how to create depth map ?

Attitude of Movita is to offer products supporting computer generated content, so they can export animation with additional file, which represent depth map. I was always looking for solution, how to create depth map from movie content ?

According to CGC I have asked Bluff Titler author, if he is able to implement depth map export in BT. I'm waiting for answer. It would be super value, because BT is working very well even with the most sophisticated models and it's very easy to create 3D scene in BT and then export rendered scene layer by layer (accutally it can cover all missing issues in Vegas, because then in Vegas I can flexible compose and add realistic effects).

Merry Christmas,
farss wrote on 12/24/2012, 7:36 AM
"Attitude of Movita is to offer products supporting computer generated content, so they can export animation with additional file, which represent depth map."

That doesn't seem to be what they're saying, they seem to imply you just render out a few frames....sounds like voodoo to me.

"I was always looking for solution, how to create depth map from movie content ?"

Have you looked at SynthEyes?

Marco. wrote on 12/24/2012, 9:02 AM
It looks like you can do same or similar things with HitFilm and Mocha.
RRA wrote on 12/27/2012, 1:19 PM

Demos of Motiva OFXs are already on their www.

I have also received explanation about depth map :

"Depth maps are calculated in a direct way when you use a 3d renderer, so they are really easy to use if your footage comes from a 3d application, if not probably it should be easy to do "per layer" but we are not experts on Vegas.

Depth maps are just a map that contains in grayscale the distance between the point of view and the object, so when LayerA is over LayerB it should be brighter than LayerB etc. "

Could anybody to study it ?

best regards,