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Posted by: BeachDog
Date:12/5/2001 9:55:37 PM

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Subject:RE: Smooth/Enhance
Reply by: MiguelEttema
Date:12/6/2001 5:04:24 AM

I think it is a compromise in the method used by the new version; 4.5 had a problem where if there were a few (consecutive?) samples of absolute zero in the sample, it would cause an error. It is possible the have overcome this in 5.0, but the algorithm may cause new artifacts... I'm not sure, just going by experiences I've had with the prgram myself.

Subject:RE: Smooth/Enhance
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:12/6/2001 9:04:52 AM

Check your Direct-X. All effects in SF5.x are now Direct-x. If you use DX-8 you may want to upgrade to Dx8a or higher. DX-8 was bad news.
I have never had any problems with Smooth/Enhance in either SF5.0 or Cool Edit Pro.

Subject:RE: Smooth/Enhance
Reply by: BeachDog
Date:12/6/2001 11:29:21 PM

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