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Subject:stripping vocals from recordings?
Posted by: macromark
Date:11/26/2001 10:58:30 PM

Hi there.. has anyone uncovered a way to remove vocals from recordings with Sound Forge 5.0? I seem to remember hearing about a way to do this using the equalizer coupled with phase inversion. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:11/27/2001 5:05:12 PM

Refer to #6.

Where are people getting the idea that this can be done?

You might be able to cancel out something IF they are in perfect volume in each channel or if the vocal is certered in a mono mix. But, it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove something in a mix. You can add but you cannot suntract. Any method, gear, or program will always come up with the same results. You will either get artifacts or will remove more than you want, but IT CANNOT BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I sound harsh it is because people ask this same damn question almost every day on every audio message board on the net.

IT CANNOT BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: vanblah
Date:11/28/2001 4:20:56 PM

Here are two very easy methods:

Hire a bunch of studio musicians and have them record the music without the vocals -OR- go to Best Buy and purchase the karaoke CD with the song you are looking for.

Subject:RE: stripping vocals "Singers! Remove Vocals!"
Reply by: pb
Date:11/29/2001 12:28:15 PM

Just as tinted paint cannot be made back into the white base, MIXED f*****g stereo audio CANNOT be reverse engineered into its origianl individual tracks. However, there is a company that claims to be able to overcome this. Please go there and don't clutter the forum with the same question that has been asked at least once a week since I joined it. Yes, other members get irate because we are all tired of the topic.

From November 2001 Videomaker, page 142, top centre:

Singers! Remove Vocals!

LT Sound (770) 482-2485 ext 42

"Better than Karoke for over 25 years!!

Subject:RE: stripping vocals
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:11/29/2001 2:27:17 PM

Well, you *could* get into the recording studio or the record company's vault and steal the multi-track, and erase the vocal tracks. But, I don't think you'll have any reason to use them in prison. Just don't pick the bar of soap off the floor!

And, don't go to Syntrillium's message board because they are also sick of answering this same question.

Someone should make a TV commercial saying that this cannot be done, so people would get the message!

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: PBayer
Date:12/2/2001 8:53:06 PM

I don't know why everybody is getting on your case. has a plug-in you can download (for free). It works better on some recording than others. Try it out I hope it works.

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: Daytek_Blue
Date:12/5/2001 6:34:37 AM

Ladies, Ladies please give this guy a break….the forums are for questions and people will inevitably ask the same question time and time again…so go take a chill pill….. or even better go and answer my question / post....

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:12/5/2001 9:26:58 AM

That's the point. Removinmg vocals ONLY works if the conditions are right, which is rarely. When you remove vocals you also wind up removing more stuff. The fact is, it cannot be done! You CANNOT just cleanly strip off vocals off a mixed track.

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:12/5/2001 9:28:27 AM

But, where do these people keep getting the idea that this can be done on just any recording? Where?

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: spacekicks
Date:12/13/2001 9:32:15 PM

Why shouldn't people have ideas? That is where creativity comes form. Think about everything you know about music... Did you always know everything? Maybe you had some ideas and asked questions based on those ideas...

Subject:RE: stripping vocals from recordings?
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:12/14/2001 10:51:29 AM

except when ideas conflict with cold, hard physical reality...

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