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Subject:live recording went bad :O
Posted by: opiated
Date:12/4/2001 7:11:31 PM

i was wondering if any genius here knows of a possible way to take the tmp file and make it workable.. in otherwords into a wav file.

I have like 3 files of a gig each wirh 1.5 hours of music each.. i would love to know of a way to make these work! :)

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: VU-1
Date:12/4/2001 7:25:27 PM

Where are these files stored? What do you mean "make them work"?


Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: opiated
Date:12/4/2001 7:31:36 PM

they are located in c:\documents&settings\lookoverthere\localsettings\temp
on my harddrive.

these are the wav files I was recording before the computer crashed (3 different times, hence the 3 files) and i guess they are left on there as .tmp files.
i was wondering if i can convert them somehow to an audio format so i can listen to them.

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: VU-1
Date:12/4/2001 7:50:49 PM

Usually, SF asks you if you want to recover files after a crash. Did it do that?

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: opiated
Date:12/4/2001 8:00:11 PM

nah it didn't (of course) I wonder if that has to do with me using XP pro.

and you're all saying "haha he crashed using XP!"

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: VU-1
Date:12/4/2001 8:33:40 PM

I don't suppose that you could load them in again. Or, if it was recorded straight into SF, did you record it to another place at the same time?

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: VU-1
Date:12/4/2001 8:34:50 PM

I didn't ask, but what is the file extension of the files?

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: Jonah
Date:12/4/2001 10:32:41 PM

I just tried to get sound forge to crash for the past 10 minutes but this new version seems a ton more stable. Anyway I couldn't try this but here are some ideas. Goto the open menu and choose "All files (*.*)" under the files of type selection. (sort of a backwards neame, huh?). Then select your temp file and hit open. The other idea I had was to rename the .tmp file .wav and then select it in the open menu of sound forge.

If you don't know how to rename you can do it through windows explorer and goto "view" - folder" options" - "view" tab, and then make sure hide file extensions of know file types is unchecked. I haven't used winxp in a week or so, and this is the old way of doing it in 98se, in xp i think it is the same, but you can also right click on the desktop goto "properties" and its hidden in there some where.

Hope this helps, too bad about your loss....

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: opiated
Date:12/4/2001 10:57:59 PM

It was called SOS_set.wav and then after it crashed i found SOS_set.tmp (in the dir mentioned in 1 of my previous posts).

So i tried to open it in SF as an *.* file (any) file and it said its not a supported file format

I tried renaming it to a .wav file and it didn't work..

Is there some file recovery program, or more likely a file repair tool, or something to convert it to pure wav format?

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: opiated
Date:12/4/2001 11:00:18 PM

the file extension was originally supposed to be .wav.... then my pc crashed.... then i found the file in .tmp format... now i cant open it.

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:12/5/2001 1:18:00 AM


All you have to do is rename the *.tmp extension to *.wav (use Windows File Explorer to do this). Then you can open it. If you're not absolutely clear on that procedure, write back here.

Hope this helps,
Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: opiated
Date:12/5/2001 11:56:08 AM

thats what i'm saying, its not working..
I rename the extension to .wav and it will not open.

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: vanblah
Date:12/5/2001 3:23:18 PM

This is a long shot:

First you need a HEX editor, try this one:

Download the one called and install it. Ignore the registration splash screen, it goes away after a few seconds.

Make a COPY of your .tmp file and call it file2.wav; put it on your desktop. DON'T USE YOUR ORIGINAL!

Create a .wav file called file1.wav in Sound Forge, saving it exactly as your original file (ie. if your trashed file was stereo, 16bit, 44.1k etc.) Record a few seconds of silence. Put file1.wav on your desktop as well.

Now open both files with Uedit-32 at the same time.

You should see three columns, first column is a bunch of numbers like 00000000h; second column is a bunch of numbers like 52 49 32 7E EE 00 etc.; third column is words and numbers. The first word in column three is RIFF. When you high light the second column it also highlights the third column, and vice versa, this is normal. The editor is showing you the HEX and "ASCII value" of the code.

Highlight and copy the first three lines of file1.wav
Paste them to the beginning of file2.wav

Save file2.wav and try to open it Sound Forge. You will be prompted that there is extra data or something that Sound Forge will ignore. Just click OK.

If there is anything left of your original recording it should show up in Sound Forge at this point. I was able to purposely corrupt several .wav files and recover them this way. I don't know if your .tmp file contains any data that can be recovered though.

Doug Walker

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: vanblah
Date:12/5/2001 3:59:16 PM

The content of this message was deleted by the owner.

Subject:RE: live recording went bad :O
Reply by: vanblah
Date:12/5/2001 4:00:19 PM

If you don't see the three columns as I described in my previous post, press CTRL+H or go to the Edit menu and select HEX edit.


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