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Subject:Gradually decreasing volume?
Posted by: viajero
Date:12/3/2001 10:10:23 AM

Using ACID Music 3, is it possible to gradually decrease the volume on a loop (to fade-out during the end of a song)? Or do I need ACID Pro to do this?

Any help is appreciated!

Subject:RE: Gradually decreasing volume?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/3/2001 3:01:41 PM

Yes, you can use both volume envelopes and panning envelopes in ACID Music 3. Effect envelopes are only available in ACID Pro 3.

Just highlight the track you want and press V on your keyboard. Add points on the envelope and adjust as necessary.


Subject:RE: Gradually decreasing volume?
Reply by: Raidan
Date:12/5/2001 10:57:27 AM

That works well for one loop at a time, but what if you have loops and one shots that make up your song? How do you automate the fades then? I want to use fades in the final mix so I can burn them to CD.

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